Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a rare
autoimmune disorder which involves generalized inflammation of small arteries
in the body affecting mostly the skin, joints, peripheral nerves, intestines
and kidneys, though the lings are usually spared. Common symptoms include
fever, night sweats, weight loss, skin ulcerations or tender nodules, and
severe muscle and joint pains, developing over weeks or months. PAN may be
related to Hepatitis B and C infections, as also to genetic mutations. This
disease can have serious long-term complications, especially if associated with
intestinal, renal, heart or brain damage.
Conservative treatment is usually with
steroids and immune suppressant drugs. The overall outlook can be considerably
improved with these medicines; however, the long term prognosis still remains
grim. Since multiple organs and body systems may get involved, this condition
may require comprehensive management by a group of multispecialty physicians.
Ayurvedic herbal treatment is very
effective in comprehensively treating PAN including the inflammation and damage
to arteries, as well as treating and preventing long term complications. Herbal
medicines can treat inflamed arteries, reduce the formation of micro aneurysms,
and prevent long term damage, blockage and infarct, which cause long term
damage to the organs they supply. Herbal medicines can also induce healing in
inflamed arteries without compromising on immunity. Associated symptoms, or
known causes, such as hepatitis, and chronic infections, need to be treated
separately with appropriate herbs.
For a complete remission and to
prevent long term relapses, the full spectrum of Ayurvedic treatment needs to
be given, including detoxification, rejuvenation, and immune modulation. The
various stages of these treatments need different medicines, while the herbs
for the presenting symptoms and PAN pathology are continued concurrently.
Depending upon the type of
presentation, the severity of presenting symptoms, and the stage at which
treatment has been commenced; Ayurvedic herbal treatment needs to be given from
periods ranging from 8 months to nearly 18 months, in order to be able to fully
treat all the clinical presentations of PAN. Judiciously used, Ayurvedic herbal
treatment can successfully manage and treat PAN, and significantly reduce
morbidity and mortality resulting from this disease. Early commencement of
treatment ensures a more complete cure and reduces the chances for long term complications
or relapse.
The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi, is available as an
Ayurvedic consultant at www.mundewadiayurvedicclinic.com and www.ayurvedaphysician.com You can start treatment for this condition here