
Showing posts with label osteoarthritis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label osteoarthritis. Show all posts

Monday, 12 February 2024

How to Reduce and Treat Back Pain, Low Back Pain

 Back pain is a very common ailment which can seriously affect work performance and quality of life. Usually, eight out of every ten individuals will get back pain at some point of time in their lives. The back is a complex structure made up of vertebral bones, supporting discs, spinal cord and nerves, cartilages and muscles. This combination makes the backbone a remarkably strong but mobile structure.

Back pain can be acute, chronic or recurrent; it is labeled as chronic when it has lasted for more than three months. Back pain can be again divided into cervical or neck pain (upper back pain), thoracic or middle back pain, and lumbar or lower back pain. Lower back pain is the most common, and usually accounts for nearly 80 percent of back pains.

Over-the-counter pain management medicines can help to reduce acute back pain along with rest and cold or hot applications. If required, prescription drugs can be used after seeking medical advice. This usually includes the use of non-steroid ant-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, and neuromodulators. For chronic or intractable pains, physicians may consider local injections, or rarely, surgery.

Acupuncture, massage, biofeedback therapy, laser therapy, electrical nerve stimulation and other nonsurgical spine treatments can make a difference for chronic back pain.

Ayurvedic medicines can be utilized for a few months to treat swelling, pain and stiffness, help rebuild cartilage and heal damaged bones. Depending upon the diagnosis and severity of back pain, Ayurvedic treatment may be required for about 4 to 8 months. Self-medication should be avoided at all costs.

It is absolutely necessary to take medical help if pain does not reduce, or there are additional symptoms like impaired sensation, severe or increasing pain, bowel incontinence, limb weakness or paralysis, fever and unexplained weight loss.

Having said this, we will now discuss some simple steps, precautions, lifestyle changes and home remedies which can both prevent as well as treat most back pains. These include the following:

1) Improve your posture: When sitting, make sure it is in a supportive chair, where your hips are higher than your knees. Avoid chairs that are too low or soft, such as sofas. Keep your neck in an upright position and don’t let it poke forward. When working at a desk, avoid twisting movements by keeping your keyboard, mouse and telephone within easy reach. Your elbows should be at desk height with your chair pulled right in underneath. Use a pillow or rolled up towel in the small of your back if it needs extra support. When driving, take frequent breaks and get out of the car and wander around. If time permits, you may even do a bit of stretching! Avoid remaining in the same position for long. When you lift something heavy, it's very easy to twist the wrong way. This can lead to muscle spasm and pain. Use proper body mechanics by engaging your leg muscles, not your back, when you pick up heavier items. Get help if the item is too much for you to lift alone

2) Foam rollers: Foam rollers are a popular choice for relieving pain in back muscles. The rollers effectively act like self-massage, with the user’s bodyweight providing the pressure.

3) Ice and heat treatment: Cold application like ice is usually used within the first 48-72 hours of a back sprain, after which heat can be used. Treatment time for both is usually 15-20 minutes 2 or 3 times a day, taking care not to harm the skin.

4) Think about your diet: Eating a balanced diet ensures that your body gets all the nutrients it needs to strengthen and repair itself. Anti-inflammatory foods may help reduce pain. These include wholegrain foods, fruit and vegetables including leafy green vegetables, fiber foods, yogurt, some spices, including turmeric, ginger, green tea and black pepper. Foods that may make inflammation worse include highly refined flour or gluten, refined sugars, trans-fats and saturated fats, and red meat. Turmeric milk, tart cherry juice, and ginger green tea can reduce inflammation. Vitamin D can strengthen bone and reduce back pain and other body pains.

5) Quit smoking: Smoking restricts blood flow to the discs that cushion your vertebrae. This could lead to quicker disc degeneration. Smoking also reduces calcium absorption and new bone growth. This increases the risk of a fracture due to osteoporosis.

6) Lose weight: It is also worth noting that if you are carrying excess weight, it can put added strain on your back. Losing those extra pounds is a great way to give your back a break and rediscover the joy of movement.

7) Get enough sleep: Try to get about 6-7 hours of sleep at night. Sleep relaxes mind and muscle, reduces muscle strain and spasm as well as reduces pain perception. Vitamin C, vitamin B6, melatonin, L-theamine, and valerian can help bring about sleep easily. Mindful meditation can also help.

8) Adjust your sleep position: Getting the right support from your mattress is crucial in helping with back pain at night. Finding the appropriate firmness to provide relief while keeping your body supported is important, no matter what position you like to sleep in. You should then try and keep your spine in a straight position, so avoid using too many pillows, which can push your head out of line, and consider putting a pillow between your knees if sleeping on your side, or under them if you sleep on your back.

9) Stretching: Regularly stretching the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that support the spine is an important element of all back exercise programs. Benefits of stretching include (i) reducing tension in muscles supporting the spine - tension in these muscles can worsen pain from any number of back pain conditions (ii) improving range of motion and overall mobility and (iii) reducing risk of disability caused by back pain.

Back pain can be easily reduced or prevented using the following exercises: knee to chest stretch, modified cobra, standing hip stretch, seated spinal twist, pelvic tilt and glute bridges. Hot tub bath, and swimming or water exercises can also help with back pain.

10) Manage stress: Stress can cause or aggravate back pain, so it is necessary to manage or reduce stress using relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, stretching exercises, and yoga.

11) Yogic Asanas: Yogasanas which can help with the reduction and prevention of back pain include Bhujangasana, Paschimottanasana, Ushtrasana, Dhanurasana, and Setubandhasana. Details and images of these are available online, or one can enroll for yoga classes.  

12) Back pain associated with pregnancy: During pregnancy, the ligaments in your body naturally become softer and stretch to prepare you for labour. This can put a strain on the joints of your lower back and pelvis, which can cause back pain. The same methods as described so far can help relieve back pain with this condition too.

In this way, people affected with back pain pain can use a combination of rest, medicines, diet, and exercises to treat their pain on a long term basis. An accurate diagnosis by a qualified and experienced medical practitioner is a must. Likewise, it is best to take professional help for handling acute back pain and for planning long term treatment, and management with exercises. What works best for one person may not work for someone else; also different stages of back pain causing diseases may require different management in the same individual.  However, it is an established fact that regular adherence to an effective exercise programme can definitely preserve structure and function of the back on a long term basis.

Dr A A Mundewadi is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at and

Saturday, 18 March 2023

Joint Diseases – Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Diseases of the joints can be classified mainly into two categories: 1) Diseases of joints resulting from inflammation 2) Diseases of joints resulting from degeneration.  In clinical practice, very often, there is a considerable overlap between the two.

The common joint diseases mainly encountered are as follows:

1) Osteoarthritis: This is known as the ‘wear and tear arthritis’; the commonest presentation being osteoarthritis of the knees. Basically, this condition results from degeneration of the joint cartilage due to trauma, overuse, obesity, or familial tendency. This disease is usually progressive, meaning conservative treatment does not stop it from progressing.

2) Rheumatoid Arthritis: This is an autoimmune disease primarily causing inflammation, pain and swelling in the small joints. Anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids and immune suppressants can bring about a response, but there is no long term cure. Most autoimmune disorders affect the joints in the long run.

3) Spondyloarthropathies: This is a group of joint disorders that usually include ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease associated arthritis, and reactive arthritis aka Reiter syndrome. Most patients have an involvement of the spine, though in a few patients, large joints may be involved. Treatment is mostly symptomatic and supportive.

4) Gout: This is a metabolic disorder with high uric acid being deposited in excess, mainly in the big toe. This can be treated with drugs and diet control.

5) Bursitis: This is inflammation of bursae, which are fluid filled sacs which provide cushioning and sliding surfaces for tendons close to joints. Trauma and overuse are the most likely cause of inflammation leading to bursitis. Treatment is again symptomatic.

Global Burden of Joint Diseases: As per 2019 estimates, nearly 530 million people were affected globally with osteoarthritis, with nearly 65 million cases in India alone. During this same period, 224 million cases were affected worldwide with rheumatoid arthritis. This is the severity of joint disease and the huge burden it places in terms of economic loss, loss of working hours, severe compromise in quality of life, and not to mention the burden in terms of increased morbidity and mortality.

In most households, several senior citizens and middle aged people; also some unfortunate young individuals, are forced to limit themselves to their houses due to severe restriction in activity resulting from joint diseases. The same story plays out even in the houses of health professionals themselves, since conservative allopathic treatment has limited benefit, especially in rheumatoid arthritis, while the surgical treatment of osteoarthritis calls for huge expenses which are beyond the reach of most individuals who are paying for their treatments.

In such a scenario, it would be worthwhile to consider and review the enormous treatment potential of Ayurvedic herbal medicines for all joint diseases.

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment of Joint Diseases: Ayurvedic treatment for all joint diseases is with three treatment modalities: 1) Local application: Medicines like Narayan oil, Mahamash oil, Vishgarbha oil, and Gandhapuro oil are used as local application and are followed up with medicated steam fomentation usually using Rasna (Pluchea lanceolata) leaves. This is highly effective in reliving joint pain, swelling and stiffness.  2) Oral medications: These include herbs like Guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Rasnamul (Pluchea lanceolata), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa), Shunthi (Zinziber officinale), Shallaki (Boswellia serrata), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Bala (Sida cordifolia), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), and Asthishrunkhla (Cissus quadrangularis). These medicines have excellent anti-inflammatory properties, are good immune modulators, and can be given safely for prolonged periods in high doses without serious adverse effects.3) Panchkarma Procedures: Panchkarma procedures like snehan (oleation), swedan (fomentation), virechan (induced purgation), basti (medicated enema), and rakta-mokshan (blood-letting) have immense additional therapeutic value in bringing about remission in very advanced joint disease too.

A combination of these three treatment modalities can help Ayurvedic treatment to bring about a complete remission in most patients affected with rheumatoid arthritis and other types of inflammatory arthritis. Ayurvedic herbs can repair joint cartilage and help heal advanced osteoarthritis and indeed remove the need for joint replacement. Ayurvedic herbal treatment can thus bring about significant improvement in all types of joint diseases. It is the need of the hour to bring about global awareness about the immense treatment potential of Ayurvedic herbal medicines in joint diseases.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi, is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at and

Thursday, 21 January 2021

Osteoarthritis (OA) – Modern (Allopathic) Versus Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

 Osteoarthritis (OA) involves degeneration of the smooth cartilage which lines the long bones and forms joints. This can cause pain, swelling, stiffness and limitation of movement. The knee, hip, spine and hands are most commonly affected. OA is most commonly due to old age, obesity, trauma, occupational hazards, and genetic influences; it is more common in women.

Treatment is with pain killers, physical activity, weight loss measures, local injections, and surgery to correct bone deformity or joint replacement. Most affected people do well with conservative treatment. Regular physical activity is important to maintain stability of the joint, strengthen supporting muscles, and reduce pain.

Modern pain-killers and anti-inflammatory medicines are very effective in reducing severe pain; however, these medicines cannot prevent disease progression and have a whole range of serious side effects because of which they cannot be used for prolonged duration. Local injections of steroids directly into the affected joint can dramatically reduce pain; however, the effect is short-lived, and many patients end up with increased pain. Joint replacement surgery can also dramatically cure all disease symptoms; however, the cost of the procedure is prohibitive, and the range of post-operative joint movement may be limited. Though rare, surgery itself may have serious complications; mostly resulting from infection and reactions to anaesthesia.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment is very effective in treating both moderate as well as advanced OA. Depending upon the severity of the condition, Ayurvedic medicines need to be given in high doses for about 3 to 6 months to get complete relief from pain, swelling and other symptoms related to OA. Ayurvedic medicines work by reducing and treating inflammation and swelling, and reversing cartilage damage. Immediate relief in pain can be induced by local fomentation of affected joints using medicated steam or modified acupuncture techniques.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment is also very effective in treating advanced OA, especially for those people who have been advised complete joint replacement. Aggressive treatment with herbal medicines, combined with local pain relief ointments or fomentation, graded exercises, and weight loss measures have resulted in stabilising affected individuals to such an extent that joint replacement is no longer required. Treatment duration for such patients is usually about 6 to 12 months. Side effects or unwanted effects of Ayurvedic medicines used for such patients are virtually nonexistent, even though high doses are required to effectively treat advanced OA. A few patients who do not respond satisfactorily to these treatment protocols, may require supplementary treatment with medicated enemas.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a very important role to play in the treatment and management of OA.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at and  To start Ayurvedic treatment for osteoarthritis, kindly click here

Monday, 23 November 2020

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment of Osteoarthritis (OA)

 Osteoarthritis (OA) involves degeneration of the smooth cartilage which lines the long bones and forms joints. This can cause pain, swelling, stiffness and limitation of movement. The knee, hip, spine and hands are most commonly affected. OA is most commonly due to old age, obesity, trauma, occupational hazards, and genetic influences; it is more common in women. Treatment is with pain killers, physical activity, weight loss measures, local injections, and surgery to correct bone deformity or joint replacement. Most affected people do well with conservative treatment. Regular physical activity is important to maintain stability of the joint, strengthen supporting muscles, and reduce pain.

People usually try alternative treatment when they do not get satisfactory relief or get only temporary relief with modern medicines and conservative measures to treat OA. With moderate or advanced OA, the damage to cartilage as well as the associated symptoms keeps progressing. Ayurvedic herbal treatment is very effective in treating both moderate as well as advanced OA. Depending upon the severity of the condition, Ayurvedic medicines need to be given in high doses for about 3 to 6 months to get complete relief from pain, swelling and other symptoms related to OA.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment is also very effective in treating advanced OA, especially for those people who have been advised complete joint replacement. Aggressive treatment with herbal medicines, combined with local pain relief ointments, graded exercises, and weight loss measures have resulted in stabilizing affected individuals to such an extent that joint replacement is no longer required. Treatment duration for such patients is usually about 6 to 12 months. Side effects or unwanted effects of Ayurvedic medicines used for such patients are virtually nonexistent, even though high doses are required to effectively treat advanced OA.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a very important role to play in the treatment and management of OA.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi, is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant  at  and
For treatment of OA, kindly click on this link

Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment of Osteoarthritis (OA)

Osteoarthritis (OA) involves degeneration of the smooth cartilage which lines the long bones and forms joints. This can cause pain, swelling, stiffness and limitation of movement. The knee, hip, spine and hands are most commonly affected. OA is most commonly due to old age, obesity, trauma, occupational hazards, and genetic influences; it is more common in women. Treatment is with pain killers, physical activity, weight loss measures, local injections, and surgery to correct bone deformity or joint replacement. Most affected people do well with conservative treatment. Regular physical activity is important to maintain stability of the joint, strengthen supporting muscles, and reduce pain.

People usually try alternative treatment when they do not get satisfactory relief or get only temporary relief with modern medicines and conservative measures to treat OA. With moderate or advanced OA, the damage to cartilage as well as the associated symptoms keeps progressing. Ayurvedic herbal treatment is very effective in treating both moderate as well as advanced OA. Depending upon the severity of the condition, Ayurvedic medicines need to be given in high doses for about 3 to 6 months to get complete relief from pain, swelling and other symptoms related to OA.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment is also very effective in treating advanced OA, especially for those people who have been advised complete joint replacement. Aggressive treatment with herbal medicines, combined with local pain relief ointments, graded exercises, and weight loss measures have resulted in stabilizing affected individuals to such an extent that joint replacement is no longer required. Treatment duration for such patients is usually about 6 to 12 months. Side effects or unwanted effects of Ayurvedic medicines used for such patients are virtually nonexistent, even though high doses are required to effectively treat advanced OA.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a very important role to play in the treatment and management of OA.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi, is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at   and    You can start treatment for this condition here

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Successful Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment of Advanced Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a chronic and degenerative disease caused by inflammation and break-down of the cartilage between the bones of weight bearing joints.  Currently, there is no cure for this disease and the aim of conservative treatment is to reduce pain, improve functioning of the joint, as well as improve quality of life.  Current therapeutic measures include graded exercises, weight control, heat therapy, medicines to control pain and inflammation, dietary supplements to strengthen cartilage, and surgery as a last option.  Joint replacement can treat intractable pain of severe and advanced osteoarthritis; however, this option does not restore full joint mobility and can be cost prohibitive.

The disability burden of osteoarthritis is considerable, with an estimated 21 million people in the US, and an estimated 70 million people in India currently being affected with this disease.  Since the disease is life-long, pain and suffering from this disease are long-term or life-long.  Hence, a comprehensive treatment for this disease holds considerable significance both in terms of reducing disease morbidity as well as financial loss due to disability.

Ayurvedic herbal medicines have proved to be very useful in the treatment of chronic osteoarthritis as well as advanced forms of this disease.  Ayurvedic medicines have a comprehensive action of reducing inflammation, strengthening bone cartilage, strengthening the muscles and tendons around joints, as well as significantly reducing the pain which is a hallmark of this disease.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines, given in high doses, can bring about significant relief to affected individuals within about one or two months of commencing treatment.  Results are equally effective even in patients of advanced osteoarthritis and obesity.  The duration of treatment ranges from 6 to 12 months; once relief is obtained from pain, medicines can be gradually reduced for the next few months and stopped altogether.  Local applications in the form of oils and ointments, as well as fomentation therapy can be used to supplement oral treatment.

Ayurvedic herbal medicines have proved to be very effective in the treatment of both chronic as well as advanced osteoarthritis.  Considering the side-effects of modern drugs, and the high cost of surgical joint replacement, Ayurvedic treatment can prove to be a great boon for patients affected with osteoarthritis.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and 

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative type of arthritis characterized by swelling, pain and stiffness of weight bearing joints such as the hips, knees, feet, and spine.  This condition is usually age related and is due to loss of protein in the joint cartilage, which gradually starts wearing down, leading to a complete degeneration of the joint cartilage.  Most people with osteoarthritis suffer from the primary type of this condition which has no known cause and is age related.  Secondary osteoarthritis usually results from obesity, repeated trauma or surgery to the joints, and other diseases like diabetes and gout.  Osteoarthritis is a chronic condition and the modern management of this condition usually consists of giving pain killers and anti-inflammatory medications, along with graded physiotherapy.

The Ayurvedic herbal treatment for osteoarthritis consists of giving symptomatic treatment for the pain, swelling, and stiffness in the affected joints.  Most of the Ayurvedic herbal medicines used for this purpose have an anti-inflammatory effect which reduces the pain and swelling gradually.  These medicines are safe for prolonged use and can therefore be effectively used in the treatment of osteoarthritis.  Local treatment can also be given in the form of herbal ointments, pastes, and medicated oils.  Local fomentation can also be utilised along with local application of different medicines.  Usually, these treatments provide immediate relief from the pain, swelling and stiffness in the joints.

In addition to the above treatment, Ayurvedic herbal medicines are also given to provide nourishment to the cartilage in the affected joints, so that further degeneration of the cartilage can be prevented and a healing treatment can be provided, so that the joint cartilage is strengthened and revitalized.  Treatment is usually required for four to six months in order to provide significant changes in the affected joints, after which a majority of people affected with severe osteoarthritis report a complete relief from symptoms, as well as better functioning joints.  A regular exercise of the affected joint also helps to maintain muscular tone and strength.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment can thus be judiciously utilised in the successful management and treatment of osteoarthritis.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and