
Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment of Eczema

Eczema is an eruption of the skin, usually preceded by intense itching. The eruptions, which are actually fluid filled vesicles, usually rupture with the leakage of fluid, following by crusting of the rash. Most individuals have a hereditary component, and are also usually susceptible to asthma, and hay fever. Most individuals gradually outgrow the tendency to eczema by 5 years of age; those who do not, may have chronic and persistent affliction. Environmental factors are also responsible, like excessive dryness. Rough, tight clothes, harsh chemicals, sweating, rubber or plastic gloves, and frequent washing can also cause or aggravate the condition.

Diagnosis is usually made by looking at the characteristic appearance and distribution of the rash, along with a detailed history of its appearance and trigger factors. Rarely, a biopsy may be required for a confirmed diagnosis. Treatment is usually with anti-inflammatory and anti-itch creams as well as steroid applications. Emollient creams help preserve moisture in the skin and are helpful. Antibiotic applications or oral medicines are sometimes required to treat secondary infection. Individuals are advised to keep the skin clean, avoid known irritants, and wear loose, soft clothing.

There is always some element of hypersensitivity or allergy in the manifestation of eczema. While steroid and antihistamine applications suppress this sensitivity, Ayurvedic herbal medicines work directly on the skin, the subcutaneous tissue, and the vascular apparatus, to reduce sensitivity, treat inflammation, remove accumulated toxins and damaged tissue, reduce hyperpigmentation and strengthen the affected skin parts. Medicines are also given to heal the lesions and modulate overall immunity so that the tendency to recurrence subsides gradually.

For patients who have extensive lesions all over the body, or have intractable eczema not responding to standard oral treatment, generalized detoxification is done using Ayurvedic Panchkarma procedures. These include induced emesis, induced purgation, and bloodletting. A systematic course - or courses - of these detoxification procedures are done and followed up with oral treatment for helping the skin lesions subside fully, without recurrence. For limited, localized, and long-standing eczema, sometimes just simple bloodletting from a nearby vein does wonders as a standalone treatment.

From the point of view of Ayurved, dietary advice is an important part of treatment, both for early and complete healing, as well as for preventing recurrence. Dietary recommendations for eczema – and for all skin diseases in general – include avoiding excess of salt, curds (yogurt), sweets; fermented, fried or acidic food items; and fruit salads prepared in milk. Other than these, even other food items known to aggravate the condition, should be avoided. Breathing and relaxation techniques help in reducing stress. Clothing and lifestyle choices which act as triggers should also be avoided.

For most people affected with eczema, Ayurvedic herbal treatment of about 6-8 months usually suffices to bring about a complete remission. Further treatment at tapering doses, or dietary advice, suffices in bringing about a recurrence. Ayurvedic herbal treatment can thus be judiciously used in the comprehensive management and treatment of chronic eczema.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi, is available as an Ayurvedic consultant at    and  You can start treatment for this condition here

Saturday, 24 August 2019

Behcet Disease – Successful Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Behcet disease consists of the classical triad symptoms of recurrent oral ulcers, genital ulcers, and inflammation in the eyes. It is a rare autoimmune disease caused by generalized inflammation of arteries; most probably arising from an autoimmune response triggered by an exposure to an infectious agent, especially in genetically predisposed individuals. Inflammation of arteries (vasculitis), clot formation (thrombosis), and ballooning of artery walls (aneurysms) are the mechanisms which cause the symptoms and damage to the body systems in this disease.

The onset of symptoms is usually in the age from 20-40 years. In addition to mucocutaneous involvement, multiple systems in the body may be involved. Usually, involvement of only skin and mucous membranes denotes a mild course of disease, whereas serious manifestation may occur with involvement of the eyes, nervous system, heart, lungs, intestines and kidneys. Symptoms usually exhibit a relapsing and remitting course. There are no specific diagnostic tests for this condition, though the pathergy needle prick test may help with the diagnosis.

The Ayurvedic herbal treatment of Behcet disease commences with cellular detoxification as well as healing treatment of the affected parts of the body. Since inflammation of arteries is the hallmark pathology of this condition, the mainstay of treatment revolves around treating this inflammation aggressively as well giving herbal medicines for gradually bringing about immune modulation. If important organs are affected, these are treated on a priority basis to prevent serious damage and reduce mortality from this disease. Those individuals who have access to Ayurvedic Panchkarma treatment can opt for a course of raktamokshan (bloodletting) and tikta-ksheer basti (medicated enema).

Once the patient starts improving with treatment, other treatment to normalize metabolism and bring about a rejuvenation of the body systems, is started. This facilitates gradual tapering of medicines and prevents relapse of symptoms in the long run. Depending upon the severity of symptoms and response to treatment, most affected individuals require treatment for periods ranging from 6 – 18 months for a complete remission of symptoms and cessation of therapy after gradual tapering of medicines. Ayurvedic herbal treatment can significantly reduce the morbidity and mortality resulting from this disease.

It is equally important to avoid known trigger factors, reduce or manage stress, adapt relaxation techniques, bring about positive lifestyle modifications, and consume healing foods, mostly in the form of fresh vegetables and fruits.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi, is available as an Ayurvedic consultant at and

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Spondylosis – Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Degenerative or osteoarthritic changes in the spine are known as spondylosis.  This is characterized by the presence of bone outgrowths known as bone spurs, and degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs. Spondylosis can occur in any part of the spine, but cervical and lumbar spondylosis tends to have more symptoms. This condition is different from spondylitis which involves inflammation, physical non-development (spondylolysis), and physical dislocation either forward or backward (spondylolisthesis). Spondylosis and a herniated disc can cause compression of the sciatic nerve causing symptoms of sciatica.

Ageing, genetics, and trauma are risk factors for spondylosis. Chronic pain is the commonest symptom of spondylosis; if a nerve is affected, symptoms like numbness and tingling can also occur. Treatment involves the use of medications, self-care, exercise and physical therapy, adjunctive therapies (chiropractics and acupuncture), and minimally invasive procedures such as injections, and surgery.

Ayurvedic herbal medicines have a special role to play in the long term management and treatment of spondylosis. Since spondylosis is said to be associated with age related degeneration, it is generally believed that no particular medicines can influence the long term outlook of this condition, since modern medicines only reduce swelling, inflammation and pain. However, Ayurvedic herbal medicines can reverse the ageing process in the spine to a significant degree.

When given in high doses for long durations, Ayurvedic herbal medicines can reduce the damage in the spine, make the vertebral bones strong and healthy, and reduce the swelling due to osteoporosis. In addition, the medicines also help to make the tendons and muscles attached to the spine very strong and healthy. This helps to reduce and eliminate chronic pain, which is the hallmark of spondylosis. In addition, pressure on sensitive nerves is also removed, thereby treating nerve related symptoms like pain, numbness, and impending paralysis.

A judicious combination of oral Ayurvedic herbs, local application of Ayurvedic medicated oils, hot fomentation, and regular exercise, can help most people suffering from spondylosis recover completely even from very chronic and severe affectations. That said, it is always advisable to get examined, investigated, diagnosed, and treated with Ayurvedic herbal medicines at the earliest possible in order to get the maximum possible benefit from treatment.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi, is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at and  You can start treatment for this condition here

Thursday, 18 July 2019

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment and Long-term Management of Mitral Regurgitation

Mitral regurgitation (MR) is a medical condition in which blood flows abnormally in a reverse direction from the left ventricle of the heart to the left atrium. Mitral valve prolapse (MVP), rheumatic heart disease, infective endocarditis, annular calcification, cardiomyopathy, and ischemic heart disease are the common causes for this condition. In the initial stages of this condition, there may be no, or minimal symptoms; as the disease progresses, affected individuals may experience breathlessness, lung congestion, and heart failure. Clinical history, physical examination, chest X-ray, ECG, 2-d echo, and cardiac catheterization may be required for an accurate diagnosis of this condition.

Conservative therapy includes diuretics, medicines to improve heart function, blood thinning drugs, and regular medication for prevention of infection. Surgical options include repair or replacement of the damaged valve; with repair being the preferred option for most patients. Ayurvedic herbal treatment can be added in the long term management of MR patients to improve quality of life, reduce symptoms, and postpone the requirement for surgical intervention, which has its own inherent risks.

It is important to use herbal medicines which improve heart efficiency and function, and reduce inflammation and prevent infection. However, the use of Ayurvedic medicines which act on the mitral valve, especially on the tendon chords and muscle attached to it, is of greater importance and relevance in treating MR, since the efficacy of these medicines determines the overall success and utility of the treatment.

Treatment is usually given for a period of about 6-8 months. Further treatment decisions will depend upon the response of the patient to the treatment given thus far. Maintenance therapy, in the form of a few medicines, may be required in patients with severe mitral regurgitation. Most patients with moderate mitral regurgitation may be safely managed on a long term basis with the help of Ayurvedic herbal medicines.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi, is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at and

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment and Long Term Management of Mitral Stenosis

Mitral Stenosis is a medical condition caused due to narrowing of the mitral valve opening from the left atrium into the left ventricle. This condition is usually caused due to rheumatic fever, congenital causes, and chronic autoimmune diseases. The inflammation and resulting damage to the mitral valves may become apparent several decades after the actual infection has occurred. While there may be no symptoms with mild stenosis, as the condition progresses and the mitral valve orifice becomes less than 1cm 2, symptoms of breathlessness, lung congestion, and heart failure become apparent. Atrial fibrillation may also develop gradually.

Conservative treatment includes medicines to prevent infection, reduce lung congestion, treat atrial fibrillation, and prevent embolism. Surgical treatment includes mitral valvotomy or mitral valve replacement. Ayurvedic treatment can be successfully included in the long term management of mitral stenosis. The goal of this additional treatment is to increase the symptom free period by at least another decade or so, reduce the need for surgical treatment, improve quality of life, reduce the risk of complications, and help improve overall long term survival.

Ayurvedic herbal medicines improve heart function and efficiency, reduce the load on the heart, reduce lung congestion, treat fibrillation, and help reduce inflammation and calcium deposits on the valve, thereby making the valve leaflets more pliable. Herbal medicines act on heart muscle, as well as on the tiny tendon chords attached to the valves, thereby improving the valve functional efficiency and delaying further stenosis.

Once symptoms are brought under control, other medicines are used to increase heart performance and endurance, so that the overall symptom free period is increased and overall life span of the patient too increases. The medicines required for each individual patient may differ, and the dosages required too may be different, depending upon the overall medical status of each affected individual, the response to treatment, and associated medical history and complications. Initial treatment may be for about 6-8 months, while a few medicines for maintenance may be required for another 6 months. Some patients with severe valve disease and declared unsuitable for surgery may require a few Ayurvedic herbal medicines on a lifelong basis.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment can thus be judiciously utilized in the long term management of mitral stenosis.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi, is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at and

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment and Management of Aortic Regurgitation

Aortic regurgitation is a medical condition in which the aortic valve does not close fully and causes some blood flow leakage back into the left ventricle while it should be pumped fully into the aorta. While aortic regurgitation may not cause symptoms initially and for a long time, eventually, affected individuals develop symptoms such as fatigue and fainting due to less oxygen supply, as well as breathlessness and heart failure due to enlargement of the left ventricle. Individuals suffering from this condition are also more at risk of getting endocarditis. Congenital causes such as a two leaflet valve instead of the normal three leaves, old age, infections like rheumatic fever and endocarditis, high blood pressure, and aortic stenosis are known causes for this condition.

A clinical history, clinical examination, and tests like ECG, 2d echo and chest X-ray are usually sufficient for a diagnosis of this condition; rarely, cardiac catheterization may be required. Conservative treatment is given in the form of regular monitoring, lifestyle changes like regular exercise, weight control and quitting smoking, and medications to reduce high blood pressure. Surgical procedures involve valve replacement using open heart surgery or by a catheter procedure known as TAVR which is less invasive.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment can be judiciously used in the successful long term management of aortic regurgitation. Herbal medicines are used to control blood pressure, reduce obesity, reduce calcium deposition and thereby reduce thickening, hardening and scarring of valve leaflets, use specific medicines to make the aortic valve and adjoining tendon chords more pliable and efficient, improve heart muscle strength, elasticity and efficiency, and improve cardiac output. If required, herbal medicines can also be given to treat or prevent long term infection and inflammation.

Most patients with mild to moderate aortic valve regurgitation can be managed very well using Ayurvedic herbal medicines. Treatment is usually required for about 8-10 months. For patients with moderately severe regurgitation, some medicines to maintain heart efficiency and normalize blood pressure may be required on a long term or lifelong basis. Patients with very severe aortic regurgitation are best treated surgically; however, those who are not fit for surgery - for various reasons - may still be managed well with Ayurvedic herbal treatment.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at and

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment and Management of Aortic Stenosis

Aortic stenosis is a medical condition in which the aortic valve is narrower than normal and causes less blood flow into the aorta from the left ventricle of the heart. This can cause fatigue and fainting due to less oxygen supply, as well as breathlessness and heart failure due to enlargement of the left ventricle. Increased blood pressure and abnormal heart rhythm can also be caused due to this condition. Congenital causes such as a two leaflet valve instead of the normal three-leaved one, high blood pressure, obesity, old age, and infection and inflammation are known causes for this condition.

A clinical history, clinical examination, and tests like ECG, 2d echo and stress test are usually sufficient for a diagnosis of this condition; rarely, cardiac catheterization may be required. Conservative treatment is given in the form of medications to reduce high blood pressure, reduce abnormal heart rhythm, improve heart efficiency, and reduce obesity. Surgical procedures involve dilatation of the valve (balloon valvuloplasty) – usually done in children - and valve replacement using open heart surgery or by a catheter procedure known as TAVR which is less invasive.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment can be judiciously used in the successful long term management of aortic stenosis. Herbal medicines are used to control blood pressure, reduce obesity, reduce calcium deposition and thereby reduce thickening, hardening and scarring of valve leaflets, use specific medicines to make the aortic valve more pliable, improve heart muscle strength and efficiency, improve cardiac output, and treat or reduce abnormal heart rhythm. If required, herbal medicines can also be given to treat long term infection and inflammation.

Most patients with mild to moderate aortic valve stenosis can be managed very well using Ayurvedic herbal medicines. Treatment is usually required for about 8-10 months. For patients with moderately severe stenosis, some medicines to maintain heart efficiency and normalize blood pressure may be required on a long term or lifelong basis. Patients with very severe aortic stenosis are best treated surgically; however, those who are not fit for surgery - for various reasons - may still be managed well with Ayurvedic herbal treatment.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at and