
Friday, 4 October 2013

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Leber’s Optic Atrophy

Leber’s optic atrophy is a hereditary degeneration of nerve cells in the retina, leading to acute or sub acute loss of central vision.  This condition is usually observed in young adult males, and is transmitted through the mother.  Vision loss is usually observed in one eye, followed by the other eye a few weeks to a few months later.  There is no specific treatment for this condition in the modern system of medicine.  Affected individuals are monitored on a long-term basis and are asked to avoid the intake of substances which can aggravate the condition such as tobacco, alcohol, and drugs like ethambutol as well as some anti-hypertensive medications.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for Leber’s optic atrophy involves the use of medicines which have a specific action on the eye and optic nerve and which strengthen the nerve cells within the retina.  Medicines which act on the nervous system can be utilised with good results in the treatment of this condition.  Medicines which act on the blood tissue and ‘Majja’ tissue of the body are used very effectively in the management of this condition.  Medicines need to be given in high doses and for prolonged periods ranging from 12 to 18 months in order to control the condition, prevent further degeneration of vision and salvage vision to the maximum extent possible.

Early commencement of Ayurvedic herbal treatment is important in order to restore vision and improve the quality of life of affected individuals.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a definite role to play in the management of Leber’s optic atrophy.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Ischemic Optic neuropathy (ION)

Ischemic optic neuropathy (ION) is a medical condition in which there is sudden vision loss, either complete or partial, due to a disrupted blood supply to the optic nerve.  ION is of two types – anterior, which is more common and posterior, which is comparatively less common. Anterior ION relates to the disease which is confined to the retina and the immediate adjoining part of the optic nerve.  Posterior ION relates to pathology which affects the distal part of the optic nerve, often away from the eyeball.

 Anterior ION is of two types -- arteritis and non-arteritis. Arteritis AION relates to inflammation of arteries, more usually associated with giant cell arteritis (GCA).  This condition is common in women, especially over 55.  This condition is associated with generalised symptoms such as fever, fatigue, bodyache in addition to localized pain.  There is usually a temporary blurring of vision before permanent vision loss occurs.  Flourescein angiography is diagnostic of this condition.  Steroids are used in this condition to protect the unaffected eye.

Non-arteritis AION is comparatively more common than the arteritis type and is seen in both sexes and at any age.  This condition is usually caused due to sudden reduction in the blood pressure.  Medical conditions with an increased risk of non-arteritis AION include diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, herpes zoster, anemia, sickle-cell disease, drastic changes in blood pressure, gastrointestinal ulcers, heart disease, vasculitis, and migraine.  This condition is characterized by a sudden and painless vision loss in one eye, usually on waking up from sleep. The management of this condition includes treatment of the underlying cause; especially, aggressive treatment of cardiovascular disease.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment of ION depends upon the cause of the disease.  If inflammation of arteries is the cause, herbal medicines which have strong anti-inflammatory properties are used in high doses in order to prevent loss of vision or salvage the maximum possible vision.  Treatment is given to treat inflammation and blockage within the arteries and capillaries and to remove toxic components within the circulation so as to prevent or reduce damage to the retina and optic nerve.

Non-arteritis AION is usually treated according to the known cause of the disease as well as the accompanying symptoms.  Treatment is usually given to treat inflammation, stabilise the nerve cells within the retina and optic nerve, improve circulation, and remove toxins and debris from the eyes.

For any type of ION, Ayurvedic herbal treatment is usually given for periods ranging from six to nine months in order to bring about the maximum possible remission in the symptoms and restore vision to the maximum extent possible.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a significant role to play in the management and treatment of ischemic optic neuropathy.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy

Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy is a medical condition which relates to reduced supply of oxygen to the brain.  In older children and adults, it is also known as global hypoxic-Ischemic injury or cerebral hypoxia.  In neonates, this condition usually occurs before the onset of labor but may also be caused during labor or postnatal.  In the neonate it may cause considerable brain damage, leading to abnormal levels of consciousness, muscle tone, reflexes, feeding, respiration, and convulsions.  In older children, drowning and asphyxiation are common causes; whereas in adults, it is usually caused due to cardiac arrest or cardiovascular disease, causing secondary hypoxia. In terms of severity, cerebral hypoxia can be classified as diffuse, focal, global, and massive.  The reduction in oxygen supply causes damage or death of the brain cells, and -- depending upon the severity -- can cause temporary symptoms, long-term motor and sensory disability, paralysis, coma or death.  The management is primarily supportive, and depends upon the neurological disability and organ dysfunction.  Immediate management relates to supply of oxygen, hypothermia (in neonates), removal of known causes, as well as other supportive intensive care.

Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, irrespective of age, needs to be treated as a medical emergency, and time is of utmost importance in preventing disability, reducing brain damage, and saving life.  At this stage, treatment is best done with the help of modern medicines in hospitals equipped with intensive care facilities.  However, once the acute stage has passed, long-term disability and complications can be reduced or prevented with the help of Ayurvedic herbal treatment.

Ayurvedic medicines can be utilised to treat the known causes of the condition, especially cardiovascular disease, inflammation, and/or blockage of arteries and capillaries.  The main treatment consists of using herbal medicines in high doses, which have a specific action of strengthening the nervous system and brain.  These medicines can reduce or revert brain damage, and can help build up synaptic connections between the nerve cells as well as improve the functioning of the entire brain

This treatment can be supplemented by localised treatment in the form of Ayurvedic Panchkarma procedures such as generalised massage, fomentation using medicated decoctions, and other specialized procedures like Shirodhara. 

The duration of treatment depends upon the severity of symptoms and extent of damage seen in affected individuals.  Treatment is usually required for periods ranging from 3 to 15 months.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment can significantly improve quality of life of individuals affected with cerebral hypoxia.  It can also significantly reduce disability, prevent complications, and improve overall survival of affected individuals.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a definite role to play in the management of hypoxic Ischemic encephalopathy or cerebral hypoxia.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Epileptic Encephalopathies

Epileptic encephalopathies comprise an epileptic condition in which affected individuals exhibit severe forms of convulsions associated with progressive cerebral dysfunction.  This group comprises of 8 age-related syndromes, which are usually refractory to standard anti- epileptic drugs.  These include, Early Myoclonic Encephalopathy, Ohtahara Syndrome, West Syndrome, Dravet Syndrome, myoclonic status in non-progressive encephalopathies, Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, Landau-Kleffner Syndrome, and epilepsy with continuous spike waves.

Excessive epileptiform activity caused by bursts of electrical impulses is believed to damage the brain during its maturation stage.  This leads to severe cognitive, behavioural and neurological deficits and may also cause early death.  Symptoms of epilepsy gradually reduce in individuals who survive to their teens; however, there may be significant residual neurological and cognitive deficits.

Most of these syndromes need to be treated aggressively with a combination of new anti-epileptic drugs; however, the overall prognosis in most individuals is extremely poor.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines can be utilised in the supportive management of such individuals in order to reduce the severity of convulsions, as well as reduce the severity of cognitive, behavioural and neurological deficits.  Herbal medicines need to be given in high doses - depending upon the age of affected individuals - for periods ranging from 1 to 2 years, in order to bring about significant improvement in the overall condition of the affected patient.

Herbal medicines have the capacity to reduce severe epileptiform discharges in the brain and gradually reduce the tendency to convulsions.  Herbal medicines also strengthen brain cells and help reduce brain damage and improve overall functioning of the nervous system.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment can thus be judiciously utilised in order to significantly control symptoms, improve quality of life, as well as improve the lifespan of affected individuals suffering from epileptic encephalopathies.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Rett Syndrome

Rett syndrome is a rare neuro- developmental disorder which exclusively affects girls.  A genetic defect causes an abnormal expression of genes, leading to defects in brain development.  This syndrome is characterized by an early normal growth, followed by a slowing of development, loss of purposeful use of hands, distinctive hand movements, slowing down of brain and head growth, problems with walking, convulsions, and intellectual impairment.  Apraxia caused by this disease leads to severe disability of motor function causing a dysfunction of body movements, especially eye control and speech coordination.  The severity and course of this disease may vary considerably from person-to-person.  Treatment is supportive and involves a multidisciplinary approach.

The Ayurvedic herbal treatment for Rett syndrome involves the long-term use of herbal medicines which help in brain development and improve the functioning of different parts of the brain to the maximum extent possible.  Herbal medicines have a direct action on brain cells as well as on the chemical neurotransmitters which transmit messages to and fro between the brain cells and from nerves to muscles in different parts of the body.

Medicines are also given which act on the metabolic activity of different tissues at the cellular level so as to normalize the abnormal expression of genes to the maximum extent possible.  This allows for normalization of tissues at the cellular level and thereby helps in normal growth and development of the brain, the entire nervous system, as well as the body tissues.

Since this is a lifelong medical condition, aggressive treatment involving high doses of herbal medicines can be given for the first 18 to 24 months so as to bring about a medical reversal of the condition to the maximum extent possible, without causing any serious adverse effects.  After this period, low dose herbal therapy can be given as maintenance in order to continue bringing about improvement as well as stabilizing the results obtained with the previous treatment.

Medical intervention by different professionals is necessary in order to handle all the disabilities and day-to-day problems resulting from this syndrome.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment can help to considerably reduce symptoms, improve quality of life, and improve overall survival in individuals affected with Rett syndrome.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Ataxia Telangiectasia

Ataxia telangiectasia, also known as A-T or Louis Bar Syndrome, is a rare and inherited neuro-degenerative disease.  This disease is characterized by ataxia or poor coordination and movements as well as involuntary movements due to dysfunction of the cerebellum; dilated capillaries in different parts of the body – especially in the eyes - known as telangiectasia; a reduced immunity, causing a predisposition to infections of the ear, sinuses and lungs; an inability to repair broken DNA, thereby increasing the risk of cancer; delayed milestones; early ageing; and feeding as well as swallowing problems.

This disease usually makes an appearance in early childhood.  The conservative management of this condition includes symptomatic treatment as well as special education and supervision by a team of experts.  Ayurvedic treatment can be judiciously utilised to control and manage all the symptoms of this condition.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines are primarily used to strengthen the different parts of the brain and nerves, especially the cerebellum.  Herbal medicines are also given to improve neuromuscular coordination and strengthen nerves, muscles and tendons.

Concurrent herbal treatment also needs to be given to boost the immune status of the body and normalize damaged DNA in order to prevent the risk of infections and cancers, as well as to prevent early ageing and normalize growth of the body tissues.  Treatment also needs to be given to treat dilated capillaries and strengthen blood vessels.  Overall, medicines which normalize the growth of all the tissues in the body are useful in the management of this condition.  If required, localized supplementary treatment in the form of full body massage can also be done with the help of medicated herbal oils.

The normal life expectancy for individuals with ataxia telangiectasia is about 25 years; modern management has enabled a much longer survival for affected individuals.  Additional Ayurvedic treatment can help to significantly control and treat most of the symptoms of this disease.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment can therefore definitely help to improve the quality of life of patients affected with ataxia telangiectasia.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Interstitial Cystitis

Interstitial cystitis, also known as IC, is characterized by recurring discomfort or pain in the bladder and surrounding region.  This condition is more common in women.  The severity and frequency of symptoms varies from person-to-person, and is usually associated with a frequency of urination or an urgent need to pass urine.  IC is also aggravated by menstruation and vaginal intercourse.

Diagnosis of interstitial cystitis can only be made when there is no known or demonstrable cause for the condition, such as infection or urinary stones.  This condition is usually associated with an irritable or scarred bladder wall.  Minute bleeding spots or patches of broken skin or ulcers can also be seen within the bladder wall.  Irritable bowel syndrome may also be associated with this condition.  The modern management of interstitial cystitis includes bladder distension, bladder instillation, oral medications, electrical nerve stimulation, bladder training and surgery.  Although different treatment modalities provide some sort of relief from the condition; however, none of these have so far proved to be a definite cure for interstitial cystitis.

Ayurvedic treatment can be effectively used for the treatment of interstitial cystitis.  The demonstrable pathology of the disease can be treated by using medicines to reduce the irritation or stiffness of the bladder muscles.  Medicines can also be given to treat inflammation and ulceration which is commonly seen in this condition.  In addition, herbal medicines which have a strengthening effect on the entire genitourinary tract can be used judiciously to bring about considerable relief in the management of this condition.  Associated symptoms like irritable bowel syndrome also need to be treated separately.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment of interstitial cystitis needs to be given for periods ranging from two months to six months, depending upon the severity of the disease and individual response to the medicines.  Overall, the majority of individuals affected with interstitial cystitis can be given significant relief with the use of Ayurvedic herbal medicines.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and