
Showing posts with label giant cell arteritis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giant cell arteritis. Show all posts

Friday 4 October 2013

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Ischemic Optic neuropathy (ION)

Ischemic optic neuropathy (ION) is a medical condition in which there is sudden vision loss, either complete or partial, due to a disrupted blood supply to the optic nerve.  ION is of two types – anterior, which is more common and posterior, which is comparatively less common. Anterior ION relates to the disease which is confined to the retina and the immediate adjoining part of the optic nerve.  Posterior ION relates to pathology which affects the distal part of the optic nerve, often away from the eyeball.

 Anterior ION is of two types -- arteritis and non-arteritis. Arteritis AION relates to inflammation of arteries, more usually associated with giant cell arteritis (GCA).  This condition is common in women, especially over 55.  This condition is associated with generalised symptoms such as fever, fatigue, bodyache in addition to localized pain.  There is usually a temporary blurring of vision before permanent vision loss occurs.  Flourescein angiography is diagnostic of this condition.  Steroids are used in this condition to protect the unaffected eye.

Non-arteritis AION is comparatively more common than the arteritis type and is seen in both sexes and at any age.  This condition is usually caused due to sudden reduction in the blood pressure.  Medical conditions with an increased risk of non-arteritis AION include diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis, herpes zoster, anemia, sickle-cell disease, drastic changes in blood pressure, gastrointestinal ulcers, heart disease, vasculitis, and migraine.  This condition is characterized by a sudden and painless vision loss in one eye, usually on waking up from sleep. The management of this condition includes treatment of the underlying cause; especially, aggressive treatment of cardiovascular disease.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment of ION depends upon the cause of the disease.  If inflammation of arteries is the cause, herbal medicines which have strong anti-inflammatory properties are used in high doses in order to prevent loss of vision or salvage the maximum possible vision.  Treatment is given to treat inflammation and blockage within the arteries and capillaries and to remove toxic components within the circulation so as to prevent or reduce damage to the retina and optic nerve.

Non-arteritis AION is usually treated according to the known cause of the disease as well as the accompanying symptoms.  Treatment is usually given to treat inflammation, stabilise the nerve cells within the retina and optic nerve, improve circulation, and remove toxins and debris from the eyes.

For any type of ION, Ayurvedic herbal treatment is usually given for periods ranging from six to nine months in order to bring about the maximum possible remission in the symptoms and restore vision to the maximum extent possible.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a significant role to play in the management and treatment of ischemic optic neuropathy.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and

Saturday 9 July 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Giant Cell Arteritis

Giant cell arteritis is also known as cranial arteritis or temporal arteritis.  This is a medical condition involving inflammation in the arteries situated in the temple area.  This leads to pain and tenderness in the temple area, where the hardened arteries can be felt.  Associated symptoms include pain and tenderness in the jaw and near the eyes, and muscular pains elsewhere in the body.  Cranial arteritis is a serious condition since it can involve loss of eyesight if the condition is not treated properly.  Elderly women are usually more susceptible to this disease.
The modern treatment of giant cell arteritis or temporal arteritis involves the use of steroids to reduce the inflammation within the arteries.  While steroids promptly reduced the inflammation and pain, in most affected individuals, these medicines need to be continued permanently or on a long-term basis, which is not usually desirable because of the side-effects of steroids.  In most instances, the inflammation recurs after the steroids have been stopped.
Ayurvedic herbal treatment is especially useful in the treatment of giant cell arteritis or temporal arteritis.  Ayurvedic medicines reduce the inflammation within the arteries promptly, while the pain within the arteries as well as in the surrounding areas also subsides quickly.  In addition, treatment with Ayurvedic herbal medicines also prevents recurrence of the disease.  An important advantage of Ayurvedic herbal medicines is that it can prevent complications like blindness.  This is because Ayurvedic medicines treat inflammation and prevent blockage of the arteries.
Ayurvedic herbal treatment is therefore very effective in the treatment and cure of giant cell arteritis or temporal arteritis.
The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and