
Monday, 11 July 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Body Odour

Body odour is the unpleasant smell emanating from the body due to excessive sweating.  In itself, sweat is odourless; however, bacterial infection of the sweat results in a characteristic unpleasant odour.  This is usually present more in males than in females, since men tend to sweat more.  Body odour is more likely to come from special body parts such as from the underarms, genital area and from below the breasts.

Management of body odour is usually not a major issue for most individuals.  Daily hygiene of the body, including a regular bath, shaving axillary and genital hair, using deodorants sprays and powders, and the regular use of cotton clothes and socks, is usually sufficient to avoid body odour due to sweating.  However, some individuals continue to suffer from body odour in spite of observing a daily good hygiene.  In addition, certain medical conditions like obesity and diabetes, and the use of spicy food, can result in excessive sweating, thereby resulting in body odour.

Individuals who suffer from excessive sweating and who complain of body odour usually face social embarrassment, and therefore opt for medical treatment of the body odour.  The Ayurvedic management for such individuals includes treating infection, reducing sweating, and also controlling stress which can cause excessive sweating.  Medicines can be used in the form of local applications, as well as oral medication.  Local applications reduce the tendency of excessive sweating, soothe inflamed skin and treat or reduce bacterial infection.  Oral medication acts on the nervous system and thereby reduces stress as well as the tendency for excessive sweating.  In addition, oral medications also have a soothing action on the skin and help to fight body odour.  It is equally important to treat the contributory factors of body odour such as obesity and diabetes.  Needless to say, the maintenance of good personal hygiene is a must in the management of body odour.

With proper hygiene and Ayurvedic medication, most people affected with body odour get relief within four to six weeks of treatment.  Such individuals can then continue without medication by just following proper hygienic practices and avoiding the risk factors for body odour, such as using spicy food and the intake of red meat and alcohol.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Recurrent Epistaxis

Epistaxis is the medical condition signifying bleeding from the nose.  This usually results from trauma, direct blows to the nose, prolonged nasal congestion and repeated blowing of the nose, and bleeding disorders.  Epistaxis may sometimes occur without any known cause for the condition.  Recurrent epistaxis sometimes occurs in children, and occasionally runs in some families.  While in children, recurrent epistaxis may not have any particular cause, if there is a family history, it may be usually related to some bleeding disorder.

The immediate treatment of epistaxis involves the application of direct pressure to the nose for a few minutes in order to stop the bleeding.  Application of ice around the nose can also help to slow down or stop the bleeding.  It is also important to keep the affected individual in an upright position, so as to reduce the flow of blood to the nose.  In people with recurrent epistaxis, it is important to investigate for possible causes for the condition.  Treatment in such situations involves treating the cause, so as to treat recurrent epistaxis.

The Ayurvedic treatment of recurrent epistaxis involves treating the known causes of the condition, and also giving symptomatic treatment to stop the bleeding.  Medicines are given to treat nasal congestion and to strengthen the nasal mucosa, so that recurrent ulceration and bleeding can be prevented.  If there is a known bleeding disorder, specific treatment for this condition needs to be given.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines which act on the blood, blood vessels, and the mucous membrane are chosen so as to completely treat recurrent epistaxis and prevent further episodes.  While oral medications are important in the treatment of this condition, local application of soothing powders or medicated oils, is also equally important.

For recurrent respiratory infections, Ayurvedic medicines are given so as to prevent and treat infections and prevent further recurrence.  Most of the medicines useful in such situations also help to boost the general immunity of the body.  Treatment of the blood disorders may require the use of different medicines.  While treating recurrent epistaxis, it is also important to inquire about the use of drug misuse in the form of inhalation, and also to rule out exposure to irritant gases and dust. 

A judicious use of Ayurvedic herbal medicines is thus very effective in the treatment of recurrent epistaxis.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)

Disseminated intravascular coagulation is a serious medical disorder in which there is a failure of generalised coagulation of the blood in the entire body.  This usually results from acute or serious infections, severe trauma, or as a result of other diseases.  Disseminated intravascular coagulation is usually characterized by generalised bleeding, septic shock, and multiple organ failure.  This condition needs to be treated in the intensive care of a hospital; however, the management in such a situation is mostly for life support and care, with the addition of steroids to treat the condition, and antibiotics for possible infection.

The Ayurvedic herbal treatment of disseminated intravascular coagulation is aimed at treating the generalised inflammation process which commences in this condition.  It is this inflammation which acts upon the arteries, veins, and the capillaries and results in a generalised bleeding and oozing in the entire body.  The inflammatory process also gives rise to toxins which harm different vital organs and thereby cause multiple organ failure.  Ayurvedic medicines are given to promptly treat the inflammation, to boost the immunity of the body, and to protect all the vital organs.  Treatment is also given to treat the blood and blood vessels, so that harmful toxins and products of inflammation are swiftly removed from the body, usually through the urine.  Treatment of the inflammation also treats fever as well as infection present in the body.  Care is also taken to individually treat the vital organs such as the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys.

If not treated aggressively and correctly, disseminated intravascular coagulation can produce considerable morbidity and mortality.  It is important, in the best interest of the patient, to combine hospital intensive care and judicious Ayurvedic treatment so as to treat the condition promptly and save life.  Not only in the treatment of disseminated intravascular coagulation, but in the treatment of all serious medical conditions, the benefits of Ayurvedic therapy need to be well-documented and universally publicized.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Dark and Light Skin Patches

Skin patches result from disturbances in the skin pigmentation.  This can be due to different causes such as trauma, infection, vascular growths, and skin diseases.  An increase in the skin pigmentation can cause darkening of the skin, whereas a decrease in the pigmentation can cause light patches on the skin.  Exposure to the sun and contact with chemicals and cosmetics can also cause skin patches.  The treatment of skin patches depends upon the known cause for the condition.  The modern management of this condition is usually in the form of local application of different types of ointments.

The Ayurvedic treatment of skin patches involves the use of herbal medicines which act on the skin, the subcutaneous tissue, and the underlying muscle and vascular structure.  Ayurvedic treatment also aims to remove impurities and toxins from the blood so as to permanently treat the skin patches and prevent recurrence.  In some individuals who have recurrent skin patches, there may also be a need to boost the immunity so that recurrent viral and bacterial infections can be avoided.

Most of the Ayurvedic herbal medicines which are useful in the treatment of skin patches have a multipronged action useful in all sort of skin diseases.  These medicines are useful in improving the immunity of the skin and underlying tissues, so that recurrent infections can be prevented.  They also reduce vascular growths and normalize the action of the skin pigment.  In addition, they normalize the circulation in the affected area, so that any abnormality present in the skin and underlying tissue can be gradually corrected through the blood flow.

Skin patches, both dark as well as light, can be treated completely with the regular use of Ayurvedic medicines for periods ranging from 1 to 6 months.  The response of different individuals to the medicines can be different; hence the wide range in the duration of treatment.  Local applications are also very important in the treatment of skin patches.  Dark skin patches require different ointments while light skin patches naturally require different medicines to be applied locally.  Ointments required for dark skin patches are usually soothing in nature and work to reduce the pigment in the area.  On the other hand, ointments which are useful in the treatment of light skin patches are more strong and irritant in nature, and serve to increase the pigment in the affected area.

Some people affected with multiple skin patches all over the body may need generalised treatment to treat the skin and blood abnormalities and to boost the overall immunity of the body.

Ayurvedic Herbal medicines can thus be judiciously utilised to treat skin patches.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Costochondritis

Costochondritis is a medical condition in which the smaller joints between the ribs and the chest bone or the joints between the ribs and the backbone get swollen and inflamed.  This results in acute pain and tenderness in the affected area.  Costochondritis can result from heavy manual work, local trauma, prolonged work, and generalised inflammation of the joints.

Costochondritis can be treated effectively with Ayurvedic herbal medicines.  These medicines effectively reduce the pain, inflammation and tenderness in the affected areas.  Treatment is in the form of oral medication as well as the local application of medicated oils or ointments, followed by fomentation.  The pain felt in costochondritis is usually highly localized; however, in certain affected individuals, the location of the pain is not localized.  In the treatment of such individuals, the local application of ointments is to be done in the entire affected area from the front part of the chest to the backbone.  This is followed by fomentation, which usually gives very good results.

Most people affected with costochondritis benefit with about 2 to 6 weeks of Ayurvedic therapy.  Some individuals have a different type of costochondritis known as Teitz Syndrome, in which the inflammation takes a longer time to subside; however regular treatment for about 2 to 4 months usually suffices to bring about a complete relief from pain.

Patients with costochondritis who have a history of trauma need to be investigated to rule out fracture of the ribs.  If there is evidence of  fracture, treatment needs to be slightly modified in order to treat the fracture.  In such situations, it is important to rule out injury to internal organs like the lungs.  Once this possibility is ruled out, treatment through oral medicines and local applications, along with medicines to bring about a faster healing of the fracture, usually suffices.

Ayurvedic medicines can thus be judiciously used to treat costochondritis.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at  and   For Ayurvedic herbal treatment of costochondritis, kindly click here

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy is a medical condition in which the muscles of the heart get affected due to various reasons such as high blood pressure, acute infections, episodes of heart attack, and other diseases related to the heart and lungs.  Cardiomyopathy renders the heart unable to efficiently pump blood to the body, resulting in heart failure, circulatory failure, thrombosis and other complications.  Cardiomyopathy can be of the different types: dilated, hypertrophic, and restrictive.

The modern management of cardiomyopathy depends upon the type and the severity of the condition.  Modern management however, is mostly supportive in nature and is not curative.  Ayurvedic treatment can be applied in the management of cardiomyopathy since it has more specific action on the heart muscles and can therefore provide specific results and a possible cure for the condition.  An accurate diagnosis of the condition is essential before commencing treatment.  Treatment differs according to the different types of cardiomyopathy.  Dilated cardiomyopathy is treated with Ayurvedic medicines which provide strength and contractile capacity to the heart muscles.  These medicines improve the efficiency of the heart and rapidly correct the condition of dilated cardiomyopathy.  In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, medicines are given which act on the cardiac muscles and reduce the size of the muscles, which have hypertrophied.  This treatment takes a longer time to have effect; however, the pumping action of the heart improves slowly and in a definite manner.

Restrictive cardiomyopathy is a condition in which, usually, the heart muscles contract and reduce the circulatory space within the heart. In this situation, Ayurvedic medicines can be given to reduce the constrictive action on the heart, so as to improve the heart function. Associated conditions with cardiomyopathy also need to be treated concurrently, in addition to treating any visible complications of the condition.  Ayurvedic treatment can therefore be judiciously applied in the management of the different types of cardiomyopathy.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Fibromyalgia (Fibrositis)

Fibromyalgia, also known as fibrositis, is a medical condition in which the affected individual usually complains of multiple tender points all over the body.  This condition is usually seen in females in the age of 35 to 55.  Fibromyalgia is usually not associated with inflammation, but is usually more related to an increased awareness of pain in multiple sites.  Affected female individuals usually complain of pain, weakness, giddiness and loss of appetite.  Treatment is usually done with pain killers, psychotherapy and reassurance.
The Ayurvedic treatment for fibromyalgia consists of treating the pain, reducing the susceptibility to pain, as well as increasing the confidence and vitality of the affected individuals.  Herbal medicines are given which can safely reduce the pain and control different symptoms of anxiety, giddiness, loss of appetite etc.  Local application of medicated oils reduces the susceptibility to pain and increases the strength and vitality of the skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscles.  Fomentation can also be utilised after the application of the oils.  In addition, Ayurvedic medicines are given to treat depression and improve the flow of positive thoughts within the affected individuals.
Treatment for fibromyalgia usually needs to be given for about four to six weeks in order to bring about noticeable results for affected individuals.  Counselling and reassurance can also be given to such people.  Most affected females should be advised to keep themselves busy and to have a positive outlook towards life.  A judicious combination of psychotherapy and Ayurvedic medication can thus help successfully and effectively to treat patients having fibromyalgia.
The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at