
Showing posts with label DIC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIC. Show all posts

Monday 11 July 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is a type of fever which is caused by transmission of the dengue virus through mosquito bite.  This fever is characterized by high temperature, severe body pain, vomiting, and skin rash. This fever usually subsides after standard treatment with painkillers and symptomatic medication for fever.  More severe manifestations of the fever require administration of intravenous fluids, after which the fever subsides rapidly. A severe manifestation of dengue fever is known as dengue hemorrhagic fever, in which disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) occurs.  This results in generalized bleeding in the body and can prove to be serious or even fatal.

The Ayurvedic management of dengue fever consists of giving symptomatic treatment for all the symptoms. The Ayurvedic medicines given for fever usually also reduce skin rash and burning sensation in the body.  Additional treatment needs to be given to treat the severe body pain, which is usually characteristic of this fever.  Other symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea have to be treated separately.  Treatment of disseminated intravascular coagulation has to be done aggressively in order to prevent morbidity and mortality from this condition.  Usually, the bleeding results from gross inflammation of the blood vessels and small capillaries all over the body.  This inflammation can be controlled by using Ayurvedic herbal medicines in high doses, which act swiftly and thereby prevent or reduce hemorrhage within the body.  Treating the blood also reduces toxins present within the blood and thereby prevents any further complications.

As mentioned previously, most individuals suffering from dengue fever respond rapidly; however, this condition is not to be taken lightly and treatment has to be instituted as early as possible, and affected individuals need to be under close supervision.  Timely treatment and medication has been known to prevent serious complications.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Saturday 9 July 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)

Disseminated intravascular coagulation is a serious medical disorder in which there is a failure of generalised coagulation of the blood in the entire body.  This usually results from acute or serious infections, severe trauma, or as a result of other diseases.  Disseminated intravascular coagulation is usually characterized by generalised bleeding, septic shock, and multiple organ failure.  This condition needs to be treated in the intensive care of a hospital; however, the management in such a situation is mostly for life support and care, with the addition of steroids to treat the condition, and antibiotics for possible infection.

The Ayurvedic herbal treatment of disseminated intravascular coagulation is aimed at treating the generalised inflammation process which commences in this condition.  It is this inflammation which acts upon the arteries, veins, and the capillaries and results in a generalised bleeding and oozing in the entire body.  The inflammatory process also gives rise to toxins which harm different vital organs and thereby cause multiple organ failure.  Ayurvedic medicines are given to promptly treat the inflammation, to boost the immunity of the body, and to protect all the vital organs.  Treatment is also given to treat the blood and blood vessels, so that harmful toxins and products of inflammation are swiftly removed from the body, usually through the urine.  Treatment of the inflammation also treats fever as well as infection present in the body.  Care is also taken to individually treat the vital organs such as the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys.

If not treated aggressively and correctly, disseminated intravascular coagulation can produce considerable morbidity and mortality.  It is important, in the best interest of the patient, to combine hospital intensive care and judicious Ayurvedic treatment so as to treat the condition promptly and save life.  Not only in the treatment of disseminated intravascular coagulation, but in the treatment of all serious medical conditions, the benefits of Ayurvedic therapy need to be well-documented and universally publicized.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at