
Saturday, 9 July 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Hypochondriasis

Hypochondriasis is a medical condition in which the affected individual feels that he or she suffers from a particular disease due to a set of perceived symptoms or signs, which do not have any concrete medical basis.  Such affected individuals typically visit a lot of doctors and undergo repeated investigations, which usually turn out negative.  Rather than suffering from the symptoms of any particular disease, it is the fear of disease which troubles such people.  It is usually very difficult to convince affected individuals that they do not have any particular problem.  Repeated counseling and assurances are required in the management of hypochondriac people.

The Ayurvedic management of hypochondriasis consists of giving medicines to boost the confidence of the patient as well as giving medicines which increase the natural immunity as well as vigour and vitality of the person.  In addition, medicines are also given to improve the positive outlook of the person, so that the affected individual is able to face life and day-to-day activities in a normal manner.  Loss of confidence, anxiety, and negative outlook of life are common in hypochondriac people.  Ayurvedic medicines help to remove all these negative feelings, and bring about a positive outlook and improved confidence in the affected individual, so that the person is able to cope up with his or her problems.  Needless to say, such people still required counseling and reassurance that they do not suffer from any serious medical condition.

Hypochondriasis is a complex condition, and different individuals may present in different ways.  Each affected individual needs to be treated in a tailor-made fashion, with innovative treatment programmes and appropriate psychological handling.  However, a judicious combination of counseling and Ayurvedic treatment helps to properly manage most people with hypochondriasis.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Friday, 8 July 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Huntington's disease (Huntington's Chorea)

Huntington's disease, also known as Huntington's chorea, is a rare disorder of the nervous system which has a hereditary component, and involves degeneration of the nervous system.  Symptoms of this condition include tremors, muscular in coordination, falls, blurred vision, and dementia.  This medical condition is progressive in nature, and symptoms gradually increase over one or two decades, leading to significant morbidity and mortality.  Since this condition is related to a degeneration of the nervous system, there is no treatment or cure for this condition in the modern system of medicine.

Ayurvedic treatment is especially useful in the treatment of Huntington's chorea, since Ayurvedic medicines are very useful in the treatment of nervous system disorders.  Ayurvedic medicines help to regenerate nerve cells, brain cells, and repair the damage to the nervous system.  Usually, degeneration of nerves involves damage to the outer covering of the nerves; this results in impaired functioning of the nerves, with a loss of nerve conduction and control of the limbs.  This results in severe impairment of the motor as well as sensory components of the nervous system.

Ayurvedic treatment consists of oral medication as well as massage of the entire body with medicated oils, followed by fomentation.  Since this disease is progressive, Ayurvedic treatment is required for several months, usually for four to six months, in order to bring about considerable improvement in this condition.  A lot of patience and perseverance is required in the treatment of this condition.  However, the results obtained with Ayurvedic treatment can be significant, and can completely alter the patient’s life for the better.

Ayurvedic treatment can therefore improve or bring about a near cure in patients with Huntington's disease.  It is important to commence treatment at the earliest possible, in order to bring about maximum improvement.  Regular treatment is essential in order to obtain the required results.  To sum up, Ayurvedic treatment is very effective in the management of Huntington's disease or Huntington's chorea.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and  For Ayurvedic herbal treatment of Huntington's disease, kindly click on this link 

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Fibrocystic Breast Condition

Fibrocystic Breast Condition is a medical problem in which the affected females, usually in the age group of 30 to 50, experience tender and painful nodules in the breasts.  Treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicines usually brings about temporal relief; however, there can be recurrences which can increase concerns and anxiety, especially related to doubts about malignancy.  Females affected with fibrocystic breast condition may require investigation to confirm the diagnosis and rule out the chances for malignant tumors.

Ayurvedic treatment is especially very useful and effective in the treatment of fibrocystic breast condition.  Ayurvedic medicines have a very strong anti-inflammatory action which reduces pain and tenderness and brings fast relief to affected individuals.  In addition, these medicines have a prolonged action which prevents recurrence. Further, these medicines also boost the immune power of individuals so that they feel refreshed, and obtain sufficient confidence to overcome the situation. Inflammation and pain can be controlled very well with Ayurvedic medicines, which have a non-specific action and therefore are not dependent on specific sensitivity to different bacteria.  Ayurvedic medicines can therefore work very well in the treatment of fibrocystic breast condition and are successful in completely eradicating the problem.  Further, the medicines are equally effective even if the condition is due to simple inflammation or due to some specific bacterial infection.

Depending upon the severity of the condition, affected females may require treatment from a few weeks to a few months.  However, most females report considerable relief from the condition within two to three weeks.  Reassurance is also important in the management of this condition, to maintain the morale of the affected females, so that they continue compliance to the medication and follow proper instructions related to treatment and the required investigations.  Most affected females do not require further therapy, once the symptoms have subsided completely.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Bullous Pemphigoid

Bullous pemphigoid is a medical condition in which blisters appear on the skin or mucous membrane, accompanied with itching, oozing, burning sensation, discomfort and pain.  This condition is comparatively rare and is usually seen in elderly people.  Bullous pemphigoid usually results from a disturbed immunity.  Steroids are usually used in the treatment of this condition, and can only temporarily control the symptoms and the rash.  These medicines usually are not successful in completely curing the condition.

Ayurvedic medicines are particularly very effective in the treatment of bullous pemphigoid.  These medicines not only boost the immunity of the body, but also act directly on the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and help treat the disease completely.  Herbal medicines also act on the blood and remove toxins and impurities present in the blood, which are responsible for causing this disease.  Ayurvedic medicines improve the general immunity of the body as well as the specific immunity and healing capacity of the skin and mucous membranes.

Treatment for about four to six months is usually required to help control the blisters and heal all the lesions, both in the skin as well as in the mucous membrane.  While these medicines have a corrective action, they also act on the liver and kidneys and bring about detoxification of the body, so that further recurrence of the condition is prevented.  In addition, these medicines also help to strengthen the defense mechanism of the body so that other diseases are also prevented.  Local application in the form of ointments containing different herbs can also be used along with oral medication, in order to accelerate the healing process.  Some patients affected with bullous pemphigoid may have considerably reduced immunity because of which the disease presents in a very severe form.  Such patients may require aggressive Ayurvedic therapy, with medicines being used in very high doses.  However, the advantage of Ayurvedic medicines in this situation is that high doses of medicines can be used without any adverse effects.

Ayurvedic medicines therefore prove to be quite effective in the complete treatment of bullous pemphigoid.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and 

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Lung Abscess

Lung abscess is a medical condition in which there is infection within the lungs which later on forms into pus and causes tissue destruction within the lungs.  A lung abscess may result from any respiratory infection, inhaled foreign bodies, infected teeth or dentures, or infection from somewhere else within the body.  A lung abscess is a serious medical condition in which hospitalization and aggressive treatment is usually indicated.  Most such infections usually respond quite well to the appropriate antibiotic and resolve completely within a few weeks.  However, there are a few patients who do not respond well to antibiotic therapy, and the lung abscess remains in spite of intensive antibiotic therapy.

Ayurvedic treatment is indicated for managing lung abscess in individuals who do not respond well to antibiotics.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines are very effective in the lungs and on the entire respiratory tract. These medicines control infection, and improve the immunity of the respiratory tract.  In addition, they promote healing within the lung tissue, remove toxins and debris, and minimize scarring.  Ayurvedic medicines are therefore very effective in a complete healing of lung abscess.  Most such treatments can be given on an outpatient basis; however, regular ongoing supervision is a must.  Most of these patients are usually on several drugs, and these medicines have to be continued, while using Ayurvedic medicines for treating the lung abscess.  No adverse effects or cross-reactions of Ayurvedic herbal medicines have been seen so far when given concurrently with modern medicines; however the attending physician needs to be alert to the possibility of such events happening.

Patients with lung abscess who do not respond well to antibiotic usually demonstrate profound loss of weight.  Ayurvedic treatment not only resolves the lung abscess, but it also helps the affected individual to regain the lost weight.  These medicines also control all the symptoms like cough, expectoration of mucous with pus or blood, fever, chills, and weight loss.  A small percentage of patients with lung abscess also develop complications related to the heart.  Ayurvedic medicines can prevent such complications or help treat them.  Lung abscess can therefore be successfully and completely treated with the help of Ayurvedic medicines.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a medical condition in which the affected person is unable to get over some previously experienced mental trauma or severe traumatic situation.  PTSD may seriously affect the day to day functioning of affected individuals and hamper their progress in jobs and other normal situations.  People affected with PTSD may relive the traumatic experience repeatedly and may shirk responsibility and positive thinking.  They may exhibit symptoms such as tremor, emotional outbursts, and somatic symptoms.  PTSD has to be aggressively treated, and the standard management of this condition includes medication, counselling, cognitive and behavioural therapy, and social support.  The support of family and friends is of prime importance while successfully handling this situation.

Ayurvedic medicines can be used for the supportive treatment of PTSD in order to improve the confidence of the affected individuals.  Ayurvedic medicines help the patient to overcome the traumatic experience, and control all the major symptoms such as tremor emotional outbursts, palpitations, excessive sweating etc.  Ayurvedic treatment helps the affected individuals to consciously overcome the past and proceed normally with their day-to-day activities.  Feelings of anxiety, weakness, and loss of confidence gradually begin to disappear.

While counselling and social support do help the patient, it is Ayurvedic treatment that actually helps the person to recover completely from PTSD.  The duration of treatment depends upon the severity of the problem and may vary from person-to-person.  Usually, most people affected with PTSD require Ayurvedic treatment for periods ranging from four to six months.  After this treatment, most such people are able to lead their lives independently and without the support of further medication.  Ayurvedic treatment is therefore very helpful in the effective management of PTSD.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a medical condition in which the affected individual experiences severe abdominal pain, often accompanied by vomiting and fever.  Pancreatitis is a serious condition with significant morbidity and mortality.  This condition is usually associated with obesity and repeated bouts of alcohol drinking.  Some people may have repeated attacks of pancreatitis, which may result in complications in the long run.  Pancreatitis may also results as a complication of gall bladder inflammation.  Chronic pancreatitis may destroy parts of the pancreas or may form cysts within the pancreas, which may affect its normal functioning.

The modern management of pancreatitis deals mainly with tiding over the crisis, giving supportive treatment, and preventing complications like infection, peritonitis, abdominal rupture and septicemia. Modern treatment cannot actually treat pancreatitis or prevent further attacks effectively.  Ayurvedic treatment can be effectively utilised in the management of pancreatitis because Ayurvedic medicines not only reduce the inflammation and swelling within the pancreas, but they also prevent its associated complications, and also prevent further attacks.  Ayurvedic medicines can therefore effectively reduce the serious mortality and morbidity associated with this condition.

Ayurvedic medicines also effectively reduce the cyst formation which usually results from attacks of pancreatitis.  Most people affected with this condition also have symptomatic gall stones or inflammation in the gall bladder.  Ayurvedic treatment can effectively treat all these conditions too.  It is equally important to adopt lifestyle changes, reduce weight, and abstain completely from alcohol and tobacco.  Most people who have chronic pancreatitis require Ayurvedic treatment for about four to six months, in order to get substantial benefit from treatment, and to stop recurrent attacks.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and