
Showing posts with label heart complications. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heart complications. Show all posts

Friday 8 July 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Lung Abscess

Lung abscess is a medical condition in which there is infection within the lungs which later on forms into pus and causes tissue destruction within the lungs.  A lung abscess may result from any respiratory infection, inhaled foreign bodies, infected teeth or dentures, or infection from somewhere else within the body.  A lung abscess is a serious medical condition in which hospitalization and aggressive treatment is usually indicated.  Most such infections usually respond quite well to the appropriate antibiotic and resolve completely within a few weeks.  However, there are a few patients who do not respond well to antibiotic therapy, and the lung abscess remains in spite of intensive antibiotic therapy.

Ayurvedic treatment is indicated for managing lung abscess in individuals who do not respond well to antibiotics.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines are very effective in the lungs and on the entire respiratory tract. These medicines control infection, and improve the immunity of the respiratory tract.  In addition, they promote healing within the lung tissue, remove toxins and debris, and minimize scarring.  Ayurvedic medicines are therefore very effective in a complete healing of lung abscess.  Most such treatments can be given on an outpatient basis; however, regular ongoing supervision is a must.  Most of these patients are usually on several drugs, and these medicines have to be continued, while using Ayurvedic medicines for treating the lung abscess.  No adverse effects or cross-reactions of Ayurvedic herbal medicines have been seen so far when given concurrently with modern medicines; however the attending physician needs to be alert to the possibility of such events happening.

Patients with lung abscess who do not respond well to antibiotic usually demonstrate profound loss of weight.  Ayurvedic treatment not only resolves the lung abscess, but it also helps the affected individual to regain the lost weight.  These medicines also control all the symptoms like cough, expectoration of mucous with pus or blood, fever, chills, and weight loss.  A small percentage of patients with lung abscess also develop complications related to the heart.  Ayurvedic medicines can prevent such complications or help treat them.  Lung abscess can therefore be successfully and completely treated with the help of Ayurvedic medicines.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at