
Showing posts with label steroids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label steroids. Show all posts

Monday 12 March 2018

Successful Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment of Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD)

Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD) is an autoimmune disease which includes Reynaud’s phenomenon (discoloration of fingertips and toes in extreme temperatures), arthritis, esophageal dysfunction, myositis (inflammation of muscles), pulmonary hypertension, sclerodactyly (swollen and hardened fingers and toes), skin rash, reduced white blood cell counts, pleuritis (inflamed coverings of lungs), pericarditis (inflamed coverings of heart), along with high levels of ribonucleioprotein antibodies. Women are ten times more affected by this condition than men.
Autoimmune diseases are those clinical conditions in which the immune system of the body becomes dysfunctional and starts targeting body organs and tissues, resulting in long term inflammation and damage. The modern, conservative treatment of MCTD is to suppress the dysfunctional immune system using steroids or immunosuppressant drugs; while this brings about an early relief from symptoms, most patients tend to relapse in the long run. The Ayurvedic treatment protocol for the management of MCTD consists of treating symptoms, treating the damaged tissues and organs, normalizing metabolism, soothing a hyper-reactive immune system, and treating all possible causes of the disease. Causes include chronic allergies, chronic inflammation, chronic infections, nutritional deficiencies, degeneration, and toxic build up in the body.
Detoxification, rejuvenation treatment of tissues and organs, immune modulation and symptomatic treatment need to be done separately or concurrently. Treating and protecting important internal organs like the heart, lungs and kidneys, and bringing about successful immune modulation, need to be accorded top priority in the long run. When it becomes apparent that the immune system is gradually functioning at optimal levels, the herbal medicines can be tapered off gradually. Depending upon the severity of the condition and the treatment response of the patient, treatment time may range anywhere from six to twenty-four months. Educating the patient about a healthy diet and lifestyle becomes important at this stage so as to enjoy optimal health and avoid a relapse of the condition.
Concurrent treatment with modern medicines and Ayurvedic herbal medicines can be safely given on a long term basis; however, adequate monitoring and testing is essential.
The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and

Monday 19 October 2015

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Autoimmune Disorders

Autoimmune disorders are diseases which manifest when the immune defence system of the body identifies the body organs and systems as foreign and attacks them, resulting in long term damage and disease. A hereditary predisposition to autoimmune diseases is required, along with environmental factors which trigger the unnatural response of the immune system. Conventional treatment is with steroids and immunosuppressant medicines which can significantly reduce symptoms; however, in most individuals, they fail to provide a complete cure, and may in fact cause a host of severe side effects.

Ayurvedic herbal medicines can be effectively and safely used to treat inflammation, which is the hallmark of all autoimmune diseases. Further, depending upon the organ or system/s affected, specific herbal medicines can be used to provide highly targeted therapy for each individual autoimmune disease. Herbal medicines can also provide immunomodulation, which helps in treating the root cause of autoimmune diseases.

While steroids and immunosuppressants can bring about faster relief from symptoms within a few weeks, these do not actually cure the disease. Ayurvedic treatment may take longer – about 4-6 months – to show significant improvement; however, affected individuals can achieve a complete recovery with regular treatment ranging from 12 -24 months. Ayurvedic herbal treatment can thus provide a comprehensive treatment and cure for most of the autoimmune diseases. It is also important to commence treatment at the earliest, so that organ and system damage can be reversed to the maximum extent possible.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi is available as an online consultant at and