
Showing posts with label hemorrhoids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hemorrhoids. Show all posts

Friday 15 July 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Piles

Piles is a medical condition in which the affected individual experiences small bulging growths from the anus which cause itching, bleeding and pain.  These growths are made up of muscular tissue and elastic fibers from the anal wall and also contain blood vessels.  These are known as piles or hemorrhoids.  Any medical condition which exerts prolonged pressure on the abdomen can cause piles.  Chronic constipation is one of the commonest causes of piles, while pregnancy, chronic diarrhea and dysentery, and pelvic tumors are also known causes for this condition.  Piles can be either internally situated in the anal canal, or can be externally visible on the skin surrounding the anal sphincter.

The Ayurvedic herbal treatment for piles is aimed at treating the known cause for this condition and also giving symptomatic treatment for the piles. Chronic constipation being the commonest cause and being the one physical condition which creates and maintains the piles growth, needs to be treated first in order to get good results in the management of piles.  The affected individual is advised regular intake of large quantities of water, and fresh fruits and vegetables, which provide high fiber content and thereby contribute in increasing stool bulk.  This in turn facilitates regular and normal bowel evacuation, and eliminates the root cause of piles.  Individuals who suffer from constipation in spite of adopting the right eating habits should be given simple herbal laxatives which facilitate normal bowel evacuation and are not habit forming.

In addition, the piles growth also needs to be treated with appropriate medicines.  Herbal medicines act on the anal canal and strengthen the muscular tissue as well as the elastic fibers in this area; this leads to a retraction of the bulge inside the anal canal and the piles growth is thereby cured.  Treatment for piles is normally required for about two to four months in order to get good results.  The dosage of Ayurvedic herbal medicines depends upon the severity of the condition in affected individuals.  Local application of Ayurvedic herbal ointments is also recommended.  These ointments are soothing in nature and reduce local pain, burning, and bleeding.  They also contribute in healing the piles growths.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment is thus very effective in the management and treatment of piles and can avoid surgery in most people affected with this condition.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at