
Showing posts with label heart attack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heart attack. Show all posts

Friday 23 November 2018

Successful Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment of Medical Conditions Related to the Heart

In the modern age of stress, modernization, globalization, pollution, and global warming, diseases of the heart are a leading cause for death worldwide. Ayurvedic management of these conditions is comprehensive and highly successful. A short summary of medical conditions and their Ayurvedic treatment is given below.
Hypertension or high blood pressure has become very common in the young and middle aged population, due to high stress, and competitive lifestyles. Ayurvedic treatment with simple herbs, coupled with relaxation techniques, deep breathing and Reiki, can very well manage mild to moderate blood pressure, without the need for modern anti-hypertensive drug therapy.
Congenital diseases related to the heart can be managed - and in most children, successfully treated - with the use of Ayurvedic herbs and herbo-mineral medicines. It is important to commence treatment at the earliest, immediately after diagnosis, and to continue treatment for at least six to twelve months. Conditions like Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) and Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) fall in this category. Even babies just a few months old can be safely treated with Ayurvedic medicines.
Most mild to moderate conditions related to the valves of the heart can be very well treated with Ayurvedic medicines. Both valve stenosis and regurgitation can be successfully treated with good long term results. Even with patients having severe involvement of the heart valves, surgery can be successfully delayed for several decades with aggressive Ayurvedic treatment. Aortic stenosis and regurgitation, and Mitral Stenosis and regurgitation fall in this category.
Medical conditions involving the heart muscle, usually called myopathies, are quite serious and have significant morbidity and mortality. Ayurvedic treatment can be judiciously used to treat these conditions, though the treatment time required here is more. Conditions like dilated cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and restrictive cardiomyopathy fall in this category.
Congestive cardiac failure needs to be treated keeping in mind the known causes for the condition. Most patients can be successfully treated if Ayurvedic treatment is continued for about two to three years. Complete success can be obtained using a combination of Ayurvedic medicines and heart health supplements.
Coronary artery disease (CAD), causing angina (with partial blocks) or heart attacks (with complete blocks), have become very common even in young people. Ayurvedic treatment, combined with a healthy life style - including regular exercises, deep breathing techniques, yogasanas, and healthy food - can completely reverse CAD in most people.
Ayurvedic herbal treatment is thus very useful in successfully managing most medical conditions related to the heart.
The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at and

Thursday 15 September 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary artery disease is a medical condition which causes a reduced blood supply to the arteries supplying the heart by a process known as atherosclerosis, in which fatty deposits accumulate in the walls of the arteries.  A partial block in the coronary arteries results in an attack of angina, while a complete block results in a heart attack.
Ayurvedic herbal treatment for coronary artery disease is aimed at reducing the deposits of atheroma which obstruct the lumen of the arteries, as well as treating other risk factors for coronary artery disease.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines which have a specific action on fat tissue and which prevent as also reduce atherosclerosis are used in high doses for prolonged periods in order to treat the root cause of coronary artery disease.  These herbal medicines also reduce overall cholesterol and lipid levels in the blood and regulate the reposition of fat in all the tissues, including the arteries.
Treatment also needs to be given for associated factors which contribute to an attack of angina or heart attack.  These causes include stress, high blood pressure, and diabetes.  All these contributory factors need to be treated aggressively so as to comprehensively reduce the risk for a heart attack.  Lifestyle changes also need to be made in order to reduce stress, manage weight, and undertake regular physical activity.  Most individuals who have confirmed atherosclerosis need Ayurvedic herbal treatment for periods ranging from three to nine months in order to significantly reduce the risk for heart attack.
Regular physical activity in the form of brisk walking, jogging, aerobic exercises, yogic asanas or a judicious combination of all the above-mentioned is important in order to reduce atherosclerosis and to reduce the long-term risk for an attack of angina or heart attack.  Individuals at risk also need to develop healthy eating habits and avoid foodstuffs containing high amounts of fat.  Stress can be reduced with the help of yogic asanas and breathing exercises as well as relaxation techniques.
Ayurvedic herbal treatment can thus contribute significantly in treating coronary artery disease and reducing the risk for heart attacks.
The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and  For Ayurvedic herbal treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD), kindly click here