
Showing posts with label bad breath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bad breath. Show all posts

Monday 11 July 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Halitosis (Bad Breath)

Halitosis or bad breath is believed to be quite common in the general population and usually results from poor dental hygiene.  However, halitosis can also result from diseases of the respiratory tract as well as the digestive system.  In addition, diseases of the kidneys and liver in a chronic condition can also cause bad breath.  Fasting for prolonged duration, and eating certain food stuffs can also cause bad breath.
Maintaining oral hygiene is a must in the treatment of halitosis or bad breath.  Regular brushing of the teeth, massage of the gums and rinsing with water, especially after consuming food, usually takes care of bad breath.  Infection in the gums and decaying teeth need to be attended to at the earliest possible.  In addition, chronic infections of the lungs as well as the digestive tract need to be treated completely.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines can be given in order to improve the immunity of the lungs as well as normalize the mucosa present in the respiratory tract.  The digestive capacity in the intestines needs to be normalized with the help of Ayurvedic herbal medicines, so as to reduce chances for bad breath.

Chronic kidney failure as well as chronic liver failure also contributes to the retention of toxic elements and metabolic byproducts in the blood, which result in bad breath.  These conditions need to be treated aggressively by using the appropriate Ayurvedic medicines.  In such situations, treatment is naturally long-term, and the immediate priority is to treat these serious medical conditions, in which halitosis or bad breath is just one minor but significant symptom.

Ayurvedic medicines can also be given to treat the blood and muscle tissue so as to reduce the chances for a recurrence of halitosis or bad breath.  In most instances, bad breath is usually a symptom and indicator of more underlying serious medical problems.  Hence, chronic and persistent bad breath should be attended to at the earliest.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at