
Monday 23 November 2020

Chronic Pancreatitis - Successful Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

 Chronic pancreatitis is a condition in which the patient experiences chronic or intermittent severe abdominal pain, due to a chronic, continuing inflammatory process which gradually destroys the pancreas either fully or partially. The presence of stones, cysts, increased lobularity, dilated ducts and calcification are typical signs of chronic pancreatitis. Pancreatic enzyme blood levels are either normal or mildly elevated. In time, the organ gradually loses its functions and the patient may end up with complications like diabetes and malabsorption syndrome.

            Alcohol abuse, gall bladder stones, autoimmune disorders, and trauma are the known causes of chronic pancreatitis, while in some patients the cause remains unknown. Standard treatment includes pain management, prevention and treatment of known causes, treatment of organ insufficiency or failure, and surgery.

            Ayurvedic herbal medicines can be very effectively used in chronic pancreatitis to reduce pain and prevent or minimize long term, irreversible damage to the organ. Herbal medicines can reduce the inflammation in the pancreas and thereby prevent long term complications like cyst formation and calcification. Treatment can change according to the known cause of the condition. It is advisable to start Ayurvedic treatment at the earliest possible since this can bring about a complete reversal of the inflammation and a complete cure. Even patients with chronic history and visible damage to the pancreas have made a complete recovery without a recurrence. Children with recurrent pancreatitis also do well with Ayurvedic treatment and recover completely with treatment.

Any fresh episode of pain can usually be treated successfully with Ayurvedic medicines, with very few exceptions.  Most patients who tend to relapse or do not respond well to treatment usually have a history of faulty compliance to treatment, inadequate diet control and a tendency to binge on fatty foods and alcohol. Average treatment time for chronic pancreatitis is about eight months, depending upon the severity of organ damage and the response to treatment.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment is therefore a viable treatment option for chronic and recurrent pancreatitis. Early treatment can prevent irreversible damage and bring about complete recovery, with minimal chances of recurrence.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi, as available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at  and  For Ayurvedic herbal treatment of chronic and recurrent pancreatitis, kindly click on this link