
Thursday 18 August 2016

Established and Effective Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Chronic and Recurrent Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is a medical condition in which the affected individual experiences severe abdominal pain, often accompanied by vomiting and fever.  Pancreatitis is a serious condition with significant morbidity and mortality.  This condition is usually associated with obesity and repeated bouts of alcohol drinking.  Some people may have repeated attacks of pancreatitis, which may result in complications in the long run.  Pancreatitis may also results as a complication of gall bladder inflammation.  Chronic pancreatitis may destroy parts of the pancreas or may form cysts within the pancreas, which may affect its normal functioning.

Acute and severe pancreatitis is best treated in a hospital since there is a real-time risk of severe complications; however, mild or chronic and recurring pain can be effectively treated with Ayurvedic medicines. Most importantly, recurrent pancreatitis can be very effectively treated with Ayurvedic herbal medicines, both in children as well as in adults. This can gradually stop recurrent episodes of pain, minimize damage to the pancreas, and prevent long term complications. Treatment is usually required for about 6 months, after which the medicines can be gradually tapered and stopped completely.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and