
Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Wernike's Encephalopathy

Wernike's encephalopathy is a condition involving a combination of loss of balance, eye disease, confusion, and short-term memory loss.  This is usually caused due to damage to different parts of the brain resulting from inadequate consumption or absorption of vitamin B1 and carbohydrate.  The situation can usually be seen with chronic alcohol consumption, cancer of the stomach, chronic gastritis, Crohn's disease, and intractable vomiting.  The modern management of this condition involves intravenous or intramuscular injection of vitamin B1 and other intravenous fluids. Early treatment brings about a prompt and complete recovery; however, established brain damage can cause long-term complications, with an increased morbidity and mortality.
Ayurvedic herbal treatment for Wernike's encephalopathy is aimed at treating the root cause of the disease and preventing its long-term complications.  Treatment for the acute condition is usually with hospitalization; however, long-term treatment can be done with Ayurvedic medicines and other associated treatments.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines which strengthen the brain and nervous system and bring about regeneration of damaged nerve cells form the mainstay of treatment in the chronic management of this condition.  Known deficiencies in affected individuals can be treated with appropriate nutritional supplements.
Herbal medicines which have an anti-inflammatory action and which have a specific action on the brain are also used the management of this condition.  These medicines remove the swelling and damage in different parts of the brain and commence the process of regeneration and repair, as well as improve the communication between different nerve cells.  While the main treatment is in the form of oral medication, local treatment can also be used as a supplement, in order to bring about an early recovery and reduce the overall treatment time.  Local therapy is in the form of massage with medicated oils followed by medicated steam fomentation.  Panchkarma treatments like Shiro Basti and Shirodhara can also be used to provide local treatment on the scalp, which in turn help reduce brain damage.
Depending upon the severity of the condition and the presence of complications, Ayurvedic herbal long-term treatment of Wernike's encephalopathy may be required for about 6 to12 months.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a definite role to play in the management and treatment of this condition.
The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Retinoblastoma

Retinoblastoma is a rare form of cancer which occurs in early childhood and usually affects the eye, especially the retina.  Common symptoms include pain in the eyes, diminished vision, an opaque white appearance of the eyes, and a visible bulge in the eye.  This tumour can spread through the optic nerve to the brain and other parts of the body, especially the bones.  The pressure of the enlarging tumor usually displaces the retina, thereby causing gradual blindness. The modern management of this condition includes a combination of laser surgery, cryotherapy, radiation and chemotherapy. 

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for retinoblastoma is aimed at treating the primary tumour as well as its spread to other parts of the body, especially the bones.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines which have a specific antitumor action as well as a specific affinity for the eyes and the retina are used in high doses and for prolonged periods in the management of this condition.  Medicines are also given in order to preserve eyesight to the maximum extent possible; however, the best way to preserve eyesight and to prevent further damage is to bring about remission of the tumour at the earliest.

Immunomodulation is an important part of treatment in which Ayurvedic herbal immunomodulatory agents are used in combination with the above-mentioned medicines, so as to bring about remission of the tumour at the earliest, reduce treatment time, prevent its spread, and improve the overall outcome of the tumour.  While treatment for this tumour is mainly in the form of oral medication, it can also be supplemented with local therapy in the form of eye drops and the application of medicated oils, ointments, and pastes in and around the eyes.  Local therapy can help in reducing symptoms quickly and reducing the overall treatment time.

Most children affected with this tumour require Ayurvedic herbal treatment for periods ranging from nine to eighteen months in order to obtain significant benefit from treatment.  Ayurvedic treatment can definitely improve the chances for a remission or cure from this condition.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Poliomyelitis

Poliomyelitis is a medical condition resulting from an enteroviral infection which can cause an apparent infection, abortive disease, non-paralytic poliomyelitis, and the paralytic form of poliomyelitis.  Non-specific symptoms of disease include fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. The non paralytic type exhibits symptoms like neck rigidity, severe headache, back pain, and pain in the lower extremities.  The paralytic form of poliomyelitis is characterized by asymmetric loss of muscle function and muscular atrophy involving the major muscle groups in the extremities.  Timely and universal vaccination for poliomyelitis is a must in the prevention of this condition, while early treatment and physical rehabilitation can help prevent long-term disability in children with established infection.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for poliomyelitis is aimed at treating the enteroviral infection, improving the immune status of the affected individual, preserving muscle function of the extremities, and preventing long-term a trophy and disability.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines are initially given to treat the viral infection as well as remove the generated toxins from the body either through the gastrointestinal tract or through the kidneys.  Herbal immunomodulation is also simultaneously given in order to help reduce treatment time and prevent long-term complications.

Ayurvedic herbal medicines which have a specific anti-inflammatory action on the muscles and tendons are used in the management of this condition.  These medicines help to preserve muscle function and strength and avoid degeneration of muscle fiber.  Treatment is mainly in the form of oral medication; however this can be supplemented with localised therapy in the form of application of medicated oils, ointments and pastes, followed by medicated steam fomentation.  A combination of oral medication and local therapy helps in providing rapid relief from pain, muscle spasm, stiffness and flexibility.  Early treatment helps in preventing long-term loss of muscular strength and function and the resulting atrophy and disability.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a specific role to play in the management and treatment of poliomyelitis.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Paget's Disease

Paget's disease is also known as osteitis deformans and is a chronic bone disorder in which the formation and breakdown of bone tissue becomes disorganized.  This leads to bone pain, headache, hearing loss, pressure on the spinal nerves, hip pain, damage to cartilage of joints, and increased head size, limb bones, and spine curvature.  It can also cause arthritis, heart disease, kidney stone, loosening of teeth, decreased vision, and bone sarcoma.  Early treatment is important in the management of this condition so as to provide significant benefit before the occurrence of major deformities in affected bones.  Affected individuals also need to get regular exposure to sunshine and exercise regularly.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for Paget's disease is aimed at giving treatment to regularise the deposition and breakdown of bone tissue to the maximum extent possible.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines which have a specific action on bones and on bone formation form the mainstay of treatment in the management of this condition.  Ayurvedic medicines which provide healthy bone tissue are also used while treating this condition.  Treatment is required to normalise bone metabolism and also remove unhealthy bone tissue and breakdown debris either through the gastrointestinal tract or through the kidneys.

Symptomatic treatment is also required to treat neurological symptoms, bone pain, and other local symptoms due to deformities of bones.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines have to be utilised according to the presenting symptoms in affected individuals.  Treatment is also required to protect vital organs and prevent long-term complications to joints, the sensory organs, and the heart and kidney.

Depending upon the severity of the symptoms in affected individuals, Ayurvedic herbal treatment for Paget's disease is required for about six to twelve months in order to bring about a significant improvement in the condition.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment can bring about a significant change in this condition for the better and can also effectively prevent long-term deformities and complications.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer which involves the lining covering organs which include the lungs, abdominal cavity, and the heart.  Environmental or occupational exposure to asbestos is believed to be the cause for this condition, in which the disease manifests usually several decades after exposure and involves mainly the lungs.  Common symptoms include breathlessness, chest pain, pleurisy, and weight loss.  This cancer can spread to different parts of the body and produce symptoms according to the organs affected.  The modern management of this condition involves a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy; however, the overall outcome is poor, with an average survival of 1 to 2 years after a confirmed diagnosis.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for Mesothelioma involves treatment of the main tumor as well as treatment of affected organs and metastases.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines which have a specific antitumor effect and which target the specific organ affected, be it the lungs, the abdomen or the heart, are used in high doses and for prolonged periods.  These medicines are used in combination with other medicines which prevent the spread of the cancer through the blood as well as the lymphatic circulation.

Immunomodulatory herbal agents are also used in the management of this condition in order to boost the immune status of the affected individual at the earliest, so as to help bring about an early remission or control of the tumour, prevent its spread, prevent long-term complications, and improve the overall survival of the affected individual.  Medicines may also be required to flush out the dead cancer cells from the lymphatic and blood circulation either through the gastrointestinal tract or through the kidneys.

Since Mesothelioma is an aggressive tumour with a poor survival rate, treatment needs to be started at the earliest possible, once the diagnosis has been confirmed.  Depending upon the extent of spread of the tumour, affected individuals may require treatment for periods ranging from nine to eighteen months.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment can however provide significant improvement with regular treatment and can definitely prolong the survival of affected individuals, with an improved quality of life.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia

Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia is also known as Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome.  This is a rare and genetically determined disorder which causes a tendency to bleeding from blood vessels in the body.  While bleeding within the conjunctiva, nose, mucosa and skin usually has a favorable prognosis, bleeding in the lungs, liver, and brain is present in a small percentage of patients and may have serious complications.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for this condition is aimed at treating the bleeding tendency inherent in the affected individual.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines which have a specific action on the blood and on the clotting mechanism in the blood are used in the management of this condition.  Herbal medicines which act on the blood vessels and capillaries are also important while treating this condition.  A combination of these medicines gradually reduces the tendency to bleeding and can help affected individuals lead normal lives.

Once the bleeding tendency in affected individuals has been controlled, further Ayurvedic treatment is given so as to prevent recurrence of the condition and provide for long-term remission from the condition.  In order to achieve this, Ayurvedic herbal medicines which act on the blood tissue, the liver and spleen, and the bone marrow are used on a long-term basis so that the bleeding tendency does not return even after discontinuing the medicines.  A majority of individuals affected with this condition require Ayurvedic herbal treatment for four to six months in order to obtain significant remission from the symptoms of this condition.  Most individuals can lead perfectly normal lives after a successful course of treatment of Ayurvedic medicines.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a significant contribution to play in the management and treatment of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.  Individuals affected with this condition may need to adopt adequate lifestyle changes to prevent damage and injury to the limbs and internal organs.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Carotid Sinus Hypersensitivity

Carotid sinus hypersensitivity is a condition in which affected individuals, usually elderly people, demonstrate an exaggerated response to carotid sinus stimulation, causing dizziness or fainting.  This is caused by a reduced blood supply to the brain due to a slowing of heart rate and a drop in blood pressure, resulting from even mild stimulation of the neck in the form of pressure or sudden rotation.  This condition can be both spontaneous and induced and is associated with an increased risk of falls, drop attacks, bodily injuries, and fractures in elderly patients.  Carotid sinus hypersensitivity is usually associated with a high blood pressure and coronary artery disease.  Affected individuals need to avoid precipitating events such as wearing tight neck collars or sudden rotating neck movements as well as activities such as driving.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for this condition is aimed at treat the root cause of the condition and reducing the hypersensitivity of the carotid sinus.  It also involves treatment of associated conditions such as a high blood pressure and coronary artery disease.  Medicines which have a specific action on the vascular structures of the body such as the arteries and veins form the mainstay of treatment in the management of this condition.  These medicines have a soothing effect on the walls of the arteries and veins and also reduce inflammation in the vessels as well as in the circulating blood.  Simultaneous treatment is also required for treating excessive cholesterol and fats within the blood.  Treating high blood pressure effectively also contributes in controlling the overall symptoms.

Treatment of carotid sinus hypersensitivity also involves treatment of the nerves supplying the carotid sinus.  Herbal medicines which have a specific soothing, anti-inflammatory, and strengthening action on the nervous system, the brain, as well as nerve cells are successful in the management of this condition.  Depending upon the severity of the condition, most affected individuals require Ayurvedic herbal treatment for about four to six months, in order to achieve significant benefit from treatment.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a significant role to play in the management and treatment of carotid sinus hypersensitivity.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at