
Saturday, 14 March 2020

Migraine - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Migraines are severe headaches that occur along with nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light. The age at onset is usually between 10 and 40 years, with women being 3 times as likely to suffer from migraine as compared to men.  Duration of an attack may be between 4 to 72 hours; in a few individuals, it may be longer. This medical condition is significant because of its incapacitating nature and high prevalence; nearly 1 in 7 persons are affected worldwide, and it is more common than diabetes, epilepsy, and asthma combined. Nearly I billion people worldwide are estimated to be suffering from this neurological disease. Migraines may aggravate with menstruation; some women find that this condition improves or disappears by the age of 50.

Migraines tend to run in families; even the trigger factors may be inherited. Stress, certain foods (such as aged cheese, chocolate, alcohol, and certain food additives), caffeine, changes in weather, bright light, menstruation, fatigue, skipping meals, and changes in sleep, can trigger migraines. Triggers activate the trigeminal nerve, which releases chemicals responsible for causing increased swelling in the blood vessels lining the brain. This releases neurotransmitters which cause pain and inflammation.  Typical migraine symptoms may also be accompanied by symptoms affecting the eyes and brain, which may be severe enough to warrant hospital admission and intensive care.

The conservative management of migraine includes over-the-counter pain killers, medicines to counter nausea and vomiting, preventive medications (medicines to control blood pressure, convulsions, antidepressants, and CGRP inhibitors), biofeedback, and transcranial magnetic stimulation. Avoiding the known trigger factors, stress management, relaxation training, regular meal schedule, and moderate exercise can also help reduce the severity and frequency of migraines. Other than those suffering from comorbid medical conditions, people affected with migraine usually have normal blood and imaging reports.

The Ayurvedic management of people with migraine involves taking a detailed medical history; including severity and frequency of symptoms, trigger factors, diet and lifestyle. Lifestyle and dietary modifications are suggested. Ayurvedic herbal medicines are given to provide symptomatic relief from symptoms as well as to treat the known causes, as determined by the clinical history. The treatment of hyperacidity, indigestion, constipation, and stress, go a long way in successfully treating migraine as well as preventing further episodes. It is important to treat inflammation in cranial blood vessels in order to reduce the tendency for recurrent migraine attacks, as well as to treat a hyper-reactive nervous system.

In addition to oral treatment, medicated nose drops are used to treat inflammation of blood vessels and involvement of the brain, which may – in individuals with severe migraine – mimic symptoms of stroke, blindness, and glaucoma.  Nose drops may be used both to alleviate an acute attack as well as to prevent migraine. Regular courses of medicated enemas are used to treat a hyper-reactive nervous system. A special treatment modality known as Shirobasti is used to treat severe forms of stress which may be causing recurrent attacks of migraine.

Refractory patients who do not respond well to simple oral treatment are given courses of Panchkarma detoxification treatments in the form of periodical blood-letting and induced purgation. The treatment response varies widely from patient to patient; some individuals with long-standing, severe symptoms respond dramatically to just one short course of treatment, while others with milder symptoms may require a protracted course of treatment with more medicines, that too, in higher doses.

Migraine is a chronic disease which significantly affects the quality of life of affected individuals, and is a public health issue with serious health and economic consequences. While modern medicine can reduce the severity and frequency of migraine episodes, it currently does not offer a cure. Ayurvedic herbal treatment can help provide significant improvement in patients with migraine, and can bring about a cure for most affected people.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi, is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at   and  For Ayurvedic herbal treatment of migraine kindly click  here

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Ayurvedic Herbal treatment of Cancer – An Overview

Cancer is defined as an uncontrolled growth of cells anywhere in the body. There are more than 200 types of cancer. Exposure to toxic chemicals, pollution, radiation and some pathogens, as well as chronic smoking, heavy alcohol abuse, and genetics, are known causes of cancer. The signs and symptoms of cancer include fatigue, unexplained weight loss, persistent low grade fever, severe or unusual body pain, nausea or vomiting, change in bowel habits, persistent sore throat or difficulty in swallowing, unusual bleeding or discharge, non-healing ulcer,  thickening or lump, and noticeable changes in a wart or mole.

            Cancer types include carcinomas (involving skin and coverings of internal organs), sarcomas (involving connective and supportive tissue like muscles, fat, bone, cartilage and blood vessels),  leukemias (involving bone marrow and blood tissue), lymphoma and myeloma (involving the immune system), and brain and spinal cord tumours. Physical examination, a detailed medical history, and tests like X-ray, blood tests, ultrasound, CT scan, MRI and radionuclide scan can help make a presumptive diagnosis of cancer; however, a biopsy is the best way of making a definite diagnosis of cancer and its type. Treatment is usually done with a combination of surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Staging of the cancer helps identify the severity of spread and the overall prognosis, while helping to decide the most effective treatment protocol.

            Dealing with a diagnosis of cancer, and facing the prospect of costly, prolonged, and often harsh treatment procedures can be one of the most traumatic experiences of life. Most individuals may get confused about the future course of action. It is always best to take several expert opinions regarding the most suitable treatment protocol. If surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy, or a combination of all three, can quickly reduce the tumor size significantly, then this is the most preferred first line of treatment.

            If the overall prognosis and cure rate are excellent with conventional treatment, then in most cases nothing more need be done. It is important to educate oneself about the type of cancer, its known causes, and take all possible steps – mainly lifestyle modifications - to prevent recurrence. Keeping body immunity at optimum levels, in all possible ways, is one of the best ways to prevent recurrence.

            If the cancer is known to be aggressive and has a grim prognosis, it is better to start alternative treatment concurrently with conventional treatment. The two treatments can work in synergy; conventional treatment can reduce the tumor quickly with a few sessions of treatment, while Ayurvedic herbal treatment can help boost long term immunity, as well as help reduce the cancer gradually and prevent it from spreading further or recurring later. Most individuals make the mistake of opting for alternative treatment when it is too late. Ayurvedic herbal treatment needs to be taken for at least 18-24 months in order to see significant improvement in cancer, help in complete remission, and also to prevent recurrence.

            Ayurvedic treatment for cancer is multi faceted. Herbs are given to improve immunity; to target the specific organs and tissues affected with cancer; to improve general and specific metabolic activity, and lastly, to provide rejuvenation in the form of Rasayan therapy. Detoxification is also required on a general level as well as specific organ, tissue or cellular level as required.

            As mentioned above, the individual needs to work on a holistic level to improve oneself at the physical, mental and spiritual level in order to achieve a complete cure and enjoy a good quality of life.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at and


Saturday, 30 November 2019

Autoimmune Diseases – Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

A human being has inborn immunity to protect from infections to which the body is exposed at every living moment. This immunity is of two types; natural and the acquired type. The natural, innate, or inborn immune system is the more primitive one, and it activates white blood cells to destroy invaders without producing antibodies. The acquired or adaptive immune system is more complex, and is develops over time, as the body is exposed to more and more foreign elements. This system learns to remember invaders, and activates immune cells to produce proteins called antibodies, which attach to invaders so that they can be recognized and destroyed.

            Autoimmune diseases result when the immune system fails to recognize the body parts as its own and starts targeting and destroying them, by creating auto-antibodies.  Almost any body part can be affected, either singly or several together. Symptoms depend upon the affected parts. Morbidity and mortality depend upon the severity of damage and the body systems affected. Inflammation is the hallmark of autoimmune diseases. Currently, more than eighty autoimmune disorders are known and include mainly rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, SLE, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, Addison’s disease, Grave’s disease, Sjogren syndrome, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and myasthenia gravis.

            Currently, it is not clear what exactly causes autoimmune diseases; however, there could be a combination of causative and aggravating factors such as a hereditary predisposition, chronic infection, exposure to toxic chemicals, faulty diet, high and sustained stress, reduced immunity, lack of exposure to exercise and sunlight,  etc.

            Ayurvedic herbal treatment can be judiciously utilized for the comprehensive management and treatment of autoimmune disorders. Accumulation of toxins within the body can be eliminated using general and cellular level detoxifying herbs. Herbal medicines are very efficient in treating chronic infection and residual chronic inflammation. Normalization of the metabolic process and strengthening of weak or damaged organs and body systems is an important part of treatment with the use of herbal medicines.

            Patients need to adopt a healthy diet with a mix of different fruits and vegetables, nuts, healthy oils, ghee (clarified butter) and bone broth. Regular exposure to sunlight, deep breathing, exercises, and relation techniques, in addition to avoiding known trigger factors, help a lot in reducing symptoms, and improving immunity. Rejuvenating herbs are used to improve strength and vitality. Specific treatment is also given for affected body parts and systems.

            Ayurvedic herbal treatment when given on a long term basis using the above mentioned principles gradually helps modulate the body immunity so that it starts helping the body instead of fighting against it. Severity of symptoms and frequent recurrence gradually subside , and the patient is able to lead a normal or near normal life without a fear of relapse. Adopting healthy practices and avoiding harmful factors can go a long way in preventing recurrence. Special Ayurvedic Rasayan medicines can be used at this stage for a short period to further strengthen body systems so as to improve the quality of life.

Ayurvedic herbal medicines can thus provide a successful and comprehensive treatment of autoimmune disorders.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at and

Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes – Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes (BMFS) are a group of medical disorders in which there is a paucity of RBCs, WBCs and Platelets in the blood either singly or all together (pancytopenia). These conditions may be either hereditary or acquired. Syndromes that result in pancytopenia include the following: Fanconi Anemia and Dyskeratosis Congenita. Syndromes usually limited to single hematopoietic lineage include the following: Severe Congenital Neutropenia (SCN), including Kostmann syndrome, Diamond-Blackfan Anemia, Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome, Congenital Amegakaryocytic Thrombocytopenia (CAMT), and Thrombocytopenia Absent Radii (TAR) syndrome.

BMFS are usually caused by dysfunctional stem cell production, defective growth factors, a dysfunctional environment, defective nutrition, accelerated cell death, and in the case of acquired aplastic anemia, immune-mediated abnormalities. Severe anemia can cause fatigue and cardiac failure; low leukocyte count can increase susceptibility to infections; and low platelet count can cause spontaneous bleeding.  Several inherited BMFS are associated with a high risk of leukemia and solid tumours.

Diamond-Blackfan anemia is a pure red cell aplasia, usually diagnosed in the first year. Physical abnormalities may or may not be present. Most patients improve with corticosteroid treatment, failing which, red cell transfusions with iron chelation, and lastly, stem cell transplant may be tried. ShwachmanDiamond syndrome (SDS), or Shwachman–Bodian–Diamond syndrome, is a rare congenital disorder characterized by exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, bone marrow dysfunction, skeletal abnormalities and short stature.Treatment of SDS includes pancreatic enzyme replacement, intravenous antibiotics, transfusions of RBCs, platelets and granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), and orthopedic surgery as required.

TAR is diagnosed exclusively in the neonatal period. Treatment is with platelet transfusions. Surgery and stem cell transplantation are used as required. CAMT presents with isolated thrombocytopenia in infancy and develops into pancytopenia in later childhood. It has tendency to transform into Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) or acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The primary treatment is bone marrow transplantation. SCN is defined as early onset severe neutropenia, with most patients developing MDS or AML. Patients often improve when treated with G-CSF; however, annual bone marrow assessment is mandatory to check for serious side effects.

            Fanconi anemia is one of the most common inherited BMFSs, with nearly 75% patients exhibiting some physical abnormalities. Standard treatment consists of need based transfusion with RBC and platelets, antibiotics, HLA-matched donor stem cell transplant, and treatment with androgens. Patients in the long run may develop leukemia, MDF and solid tumours. Dyskeratosis congenita is a rare and progressive congenital disorder with characteristic features of skin hyperpigmentation, nail dystrophy and oral leukoplakia. Treatment is with androgens, with the addition of erythropoietin, and G-CSF. The overall results of bone marrow transplant are poor. About 15 % of patients are likely to develop cancer.

            Acquired aplastic anemia is a BMFS which can be life threatening if left untreated. Exposure to chemicals and drugs, pregnancy, immune dysfunction, and a genetic predisposition are believed to cause this condition. It can lead to other disorders like paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH), MDS, and AML. Treatment options include immune suppressive therapy with antithymocyte globulin (ATG) and cyclosporine (CsA) or high–dose cyclophosphamide. With the availability of a suitable donor, hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation offers an opportunity for cure.

            Almost all BMFS have a serious prognosis, with a magnified long term risk for malignancies. Specific treatments are available which may positively impact the course of the disease; however, most are associated with serious long term side effects. In this scenario, Ayurvedic herbal medicines offer an alternative treatment option which can be safely used for long periods both in children as well as adults and helps keep the blood counts stable at acceptable levels.

            The therapeutic action of Ayurvedic herbal medicines in BMFS is at multiple levels. Some medicines stimulate the bone marrow and help accelerate the proliferation and differentiation of the hematopoietic system. Some medicines help normalize specific and general tissue metabolism as well as metabolite nutrition channels. Herbal medicines and herbomineral compounds help provide an optimum environment which gradually helps dilute the deleterious effect of dysfunctional genes and slows down the death rate of healthy cells. Ayurvedic herbal medicines also help optimize a faulty immune system so that it gradually starts working in favor of the body systems and not against them.

            Depending upon the type of BMFS and the presenting severity, different permutations and combinations of Ayurvedic herbal medicines may be required for effective treatment and lasting results. Modifications in the medical protocol and dosage may also be required as per patient feedback and observed clinical effects.  An average of six to twelve months of regular treatment may be required to stabilize the blood picture in a typical adult patient; further treatment decisions need to be taken on an individual case-to-case basis.

            Ayurvedic treatment can thus help stabilize and maintain patients with BMFS, both in adults as well as in children. In addition to a very low risk profile for side effects, Ayurvedic herbal treatment can cost just a fraction of the cost of modern treatment. Because of the serious nature and poor long term prognosis of BMFS, with the potential for long term complications and high probability of cancer, all patients taking Ayurvedic herbal treatment should be under the concurrent regular supervision  of several health professionals, including a hematologist, and a general physician.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi, is available as an Ayurvedic consultant at and

Thursday, 31 October 2019

Successful Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment of Hepatorenal Syndrome

Hepatorenal syndrome is a medical condition characterized by the development of kidney failure in patients having advanced, chronic liver disease. Nearly 40 % of patients having liver cirrhosis and ascites (fluid collection in the abdominal cavity) stand a risk of developing this condition. The resulting damage in the kidneys is functional, not structural, and is believed to result from constriction of the renal arteries, with concurrent vasodilatation in the body periphery. Type 1 hepatorenal syndrome has an average survival of 2-10 weeks, while type 2 has a median survival of 3-6 months. Liver transplantation is currently the only mode of treatment in modern medicine, which can improve long term survival; however, this procedure is prohibitively costly, involves a long waiting period, and has the potential for serious complications.

Blood and urine tests as well as other tests like abdominal ultrasonography may help diagnose other causes of kidney failure, since hepatorenal syndrome is primarily a diagnosis of exclusion. No specific modern medicine is currently known to be useful in the treatment of this condition. It is important to look for precipitating factors like infection and obstruction, which can be potentially treated completely, with chances of reversing the condition. Paracentesis (removal of accumulated water from the abdominal cavity) can relieve symptoms and may also help partially reverse the condition.

Hepatorenal syndrome is one medical condition where the timely institution of Ayurvedic herbal treatment can dramatically change the characteristically poor prognosis of this disease. Treated with high doses of herbal medicines, ascites can be virtually cleared up within one to two months.  Depending upon the severity of liver and kidney damage, liver and kidney parameters return to near normal levels within three to six months. It is important to commence treatment at the earliest in order to get maximum beneficial results.

It is equally important to maintain the morale of the patient, since modern medicine has little to offer other than liver transplantation, and most patients can be devastated on receiving this information. Regular monitoring of the patient is essential by different health professionals, including the nephrologist, general physician, and nutritionist. This can help maintain the patient’s health and day-to-day care, and detect any new or unforeseen medical situations.

          Ayurvedic herbal medicines are usually continued in high doses till the patient is completely asymptomatic, with stable liver and kidney parameters for at least three to four months. After this, the dosage of medicines may be gradually tapered with careful monitoring. In order to prevent a relapse, in most patients, it is advisable to continue a few medicines for the kidney and liver on a long term basis, or possibly, lifelong.

            Most patients can lead near normal lives with a good quality of life, and with the minimum possible medication. Ayurvedic herbal medicines can thus be utilized in the successful and comprehensive management of hepatorenal syndrome.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi, is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at and  For Ayurvedic herbal treatment of hepatorenal syndrome, kindly click here

Monday, 28 October 2019

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment of Meniere Disease

Meniere disease, also known as idiopathic endolymphatic hydrops, is a disease of the inner ear involving increased pressure within the inner ear endolymphatic system. This causes the typical symptoms of episodic vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss, tinnitus, and a sensation of fullness in the ear, known as aural fullness. When there is no known cause for this condition, it is known as meniere disease; with a known cause responsible for the condition, it is termed as meniere syndrome.

Metabolic disturbances, hormonal imbalance, trauma, autoimmune disorders, allergy, and various infections can cause this condition. Severe attacks of vertigo can be debilitating. The disease runs a chronic course with remissions and exacerbations. Most patients eventually stabilize; however, with long term hearing loss and imbalance as permanent features.

Modern treatment is aimed at giving symptomatic relief from the episodic vertigo, which is the most distressing symptom in this condition. There are specific medicines which are used for this on a short term basis. In addition, medicines like steroids and diuretics reduce inflammation and fluid pressure in the inner ear.

Ayurvedic treatment can be used on a more comprehensive basis to treat all the symptoms associated with meniere disease. Herbal medicines reduce the inflammation and swelling in the inner ear both on a short term as well as long term basis. Other herbs help reduce the inner ear damage and provide nutrition to the sensitive components of the inner ear so as to help reduce hearing loss, and improve hearing to the maximum extent possible. There are also some herbs which have a specific action of treating tinnitus in the ears.

While acute, severe vertigo is best treated with modern medicines, moderate level and mild vertigo, as well as chronic and recurrent vertigo, can be treated more effectively with the help of Ayurvedic herbal medicines. Depending upon the severity of symptoms, patients affected with this condition may require treatment for about 4-8 months. Rasayan (tonification) level Ayurvedic medicines are also available which can help to improve immunity, remove chronic inflammation, and prevent recurrence of meniere disease.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi, is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at and  For Ayurvedic herbal treatment of meniere's disease, kindly click here

Saturday, 12 October 2019

Successful Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract characterized by abdominal pain and a change in bowel movement. Abdominal bloating or distension is also present. Altered bowel habits include diarrhea, constipation, or both in an alternating manner. In spite of the chronicity, affected individuals do not lose weight. In fact, weight loss, blood in stools, acute onset, late age onset, progressive symptoms, nocturnal symptoms, fever, and painless diarrhea are symptoms which may point to some other organic causes.

The management of this condition consists primarily in providing psychological support, dietary advice, and the use of medicines for troublesome symptoms. While this condition is chronic, with a relapsing and remitting nature, life expectancy remains unaffected, and most patients learn to manage their symptoms well enough by paying attention to dietary triggers. Psychological interventions are effective, and include cognitive-behavioural therapy, dynamic psychotherapy, and hypnotherapy.

IBS is primarily believed to be a functional disorder, with the absence of a specific and unique organic pathology. Increase or a change in bowel motility, increased pain sensitivity of the bowels, and increased psychological disturbance are associated with this condition. In recent times, some patients’ medical work-up has demonstrated the presence of organic pathology such as increased microscopic inflammation in some parts of the bowels, and a change in the bacterial population in the intestines. Some patients report onset of IBS after a chronic infection or after an episode of chronic diarrhea.

The Ayurvedic herbal treatment of IBS depends upon the history and presentation of the disease and its symptoms. It is important to look for organic causes which may mimic the symptoms. Herbal medicines which improve digestion and treat distension are important in the treatment of IBS. Medicines which increase or decrease bowel movement are used as required. Ayurvedic medicines also significantly reduce inflammation in the intestines, and therefore bring about remission on a long term basis.

Herbal medicines are also used to strengthen the nervous system and bring into harmony the psychological status of affected individuals. Reassurance, appropriate medicines, and simple dietary changes form the mainstay of IBS treatment. Along with the digestive treatment mentioned in the previous paragraph, these measures help immensely in reducing the hyperalgesia and disturbed intestinal motility, which are the hall marks of this condition. Medicines may also be required to treat chronic infection, or the after-effects of severe infection, if the history documents commencement of IBS after an infection.

Depending upon the severity of symptoms and the psychological status of affected individuals, Ayurvedic herbal treatment may be required for periods ranging from a few months to a few years.  However, a majority of affected individuals are able to live near normal lives, with a few modifications in lifestyle and food habits.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at     and  To start treatment for this condition, click here