
Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Pick Disease

Pick disease is a type of dementia which involves the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain and presents as a progressive disease which includes psychiatric abnormalities, speech and language defects, symptoms of Parkinsonism, and is completely different from Alzeihemer's disease, since it occurs in a younger age group and runs a much shorter course.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for Pick disease is aimed at treating the damaged brain cells, improving symptoms, preventing further deterioration, and improving the overall survival.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines which strengthen the nervous system and brain are used in the management of the disease.  These medicines also improve the neurotransmission between the nerve cells and therefore bring about an overall improvement in brain function and neuromuscular coordination.  Aggressive treatment is required in order to prevent rapid degeneration of the brain and thereby maintain cognitive function and activities of day-to-day living.

Specific treatment may also be required in order to treat psychiatric abnormalities, speech and language defects, and symptoms of Parkinsonism.  The mainstay of treatment in the management of this disease is in the form of oral medication; however, different types of Panchkarma treatments can also be supplemented in order to improve the results and bring about a faster recovery.  Shiro-basti and Shiro-dhara are two treatment modalities which can help in the management of this condition.  In these treatments, medicated oils are either poured continuously on the scalp or kept on the scalp for some time.  These treatment modalities help in quickly containing psychiatric symptoms and improving symptoms related to stiffness, rigidity and tremor.

Individuals affected with Pick disease require Ayurvedic herbal treatment for periods ranging from 9 - 12 months in order to benefit significantly from the treatment.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment can bring about definite improvement in this condition and either brings about a remission of the symptoms or a complete cure.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a significant contribution to play in the management and treatment of Pick disease.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Zollinger Ellison Syndrome

Zollinger Ellison syndrome is a rare disorder involving tumour formation in the pancreas or in the duodenum, which causes an excessive production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.  This leads to formation of peptic ulcers which cause symptoms like heart burn, burning and pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, loose motions, and occasionally bleeding in the stools, as well as weight loss.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for Zollinger Ellison syndrome involves the use of Ayurvedic herbal medicines in order to treat the tumour of the pancreas or duodenum as well as treat the ulcers and associated symptoms.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines which have a specific action on the pancreas and the gastrointestinal tract are used in high doses for prolonged periods in order to bring about a remission of the tumour and its associated symptoms.  Other medicines are also used which prevent the spread of the tumour to other parts of the body as well as prevent complications from the condition.

Ayurvedic herbal medicines are used to treat the peptic ulcers by reducing acid output, healing the ulcers, and strengthening the gastric mucosa.  Aggressive treatment is required at the earliest in order to prevent complications like perforation of the stomach and duodenum and possible bleeding.  Ayurvedic herbal immunomodulatory agents are also used in high doses for prolonged periods in order to help bring about an early remission of the tumour and help in early resolution of peptic ulcers and the associated symptoms.

Most individuals affected with Zollinger Ellison syndrome require Ayurvedic herbal treatment for periods ranging from nine to twelve months, in order to bring about significant improvement in the condition and associated symptoms.  Regular treatment also helps prevent recurrence of the condition.  Ayurvedic treatment can also be utilised in addition to modern conventional treatment of the condition.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a significant role to play the management and treatment  of Zollinger Ellison syndrome.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Tularaemia

Tularaemia is an infection which usually spreads from animals to humans and causes symptoms like ulceration, swollen lymph nodes, bodyache, fever, sore throat, diarrhoea, vomiting, and in severe cases, diseases like pneumonia and septicemia.  This condition typically causes a granuloma type of skin infection associated with fever, which usually resolves within a few weeks to a few months.  The modern management of this condition involves the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicines.  The management of Tularaemia also requires the adoption of appropriate preventive measures.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment can be instituted for individuals with Tularaemia who do not respond to conventional treatment or continue to have chronic complications from the condition.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines are utilised in order to treat and control infection, prevent the spread of infection to other parts of the body, and bring about an early resolution of symptoms.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines which have a known anti-septic and anti-inflammatory action are used in the management and treatment of this condition.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines are also utilised to remove the toxins from the body either through the gastrointestinal tract or through the kidneys.

Ayurvedic herbal medicines are also utilised to help treat the granuloma and resolve the lesions at the earliest.  Localised treatment in the form of medicated ointments and pastes can also be used to help bring about an early resolution of the condition.  In addition, Ayurvedic herbal immunomodulatory medicines are utilized to boost the immune status of the affected individual, so as to help reduce treatment time, bring about an early resolution of symptoms, and prevent long-term complications and serious conditions like pneumonia and septicemia.

Most individuals seriously affected with symptoms of Tularaemia require Ayurvedic herbal treatment for about 2 to 4 months in order to bring about a complete resolution of the disease.  Some individuals may require immunomodulatory treatment for another few months.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines can thus be judiciously utilised in the management and treatment of Tularaemia.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Tourette Syndrome

Tourette syndrome is a neurological and hereditary disorder which may usually be associated with other conditions like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities, and obsessive - compulsive disorder.  This condition involves repetitive, stereotyped, involuntary movements and vocalizations which in day-to-day language are termed as tics.  The symptoms usually appear in childhood and gradually decrease or disappear by early adulthood; however, about 10% of individuals affected may continue to have a progressive or disabling course of symptoms.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment is required for those individuals who have increasing or disabling symptoms of Tourette syndrome.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines which have a specific action on the nervous system are used in high uses and for prolonged periods in the management of this condition. These medicines strengthen the nervous system and reduce irritation and hyper-reactivity of the brain and the peripheral nerves.  These medicines also improve the transmission of nerve impulses between the nerve cells of the brain.  Medicines are also used to reduce anxiety and psychological distress, and improve confidence and bring about a feeling of physical and mental well-being.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines are also used to reduce stress which may be instrumental in increasing the symptoms of Tourette syndrome.

Other associated conditions like ADHD, OCD, Dyslexia, and learning disabilities also need specific treatment while managing the symptoms of Tourette syndrome.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines may possibly be required for periods ranging from six and to nine months in order to bring about significant improvement in these associated disorders as well as in the main symptoms of Tourette syndrome, as also to prevent recurrence of the condition.

Localised treatment may also be utilised along with oral medication the form of a complete massage of the entire body with medicated herbal oils, followed by medicated steam fomentation.  This may help to reduce the treatment time and improve neuromuscular coordination, while significantly reducing the tics.

Most individuals affected with Tourette syndrome recover completely after taking the full course of Ayurvedic treatment.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a significant role to play in the management and treatment of Tourette syndrome.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Prolactinoma

A prolactinoma is a tumour which originates in the pituitary gland and causes excessive secretion of a hormone called prolactin.  This tumour causes different symptoms such as headache, visual disturbances, dysfunction of the pituitary gland, and increased production of prolactin which can in turn  lead to infertility or impotence.  The modern management of this condition includes treatment with medicines and surgical removal.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for prolactinoma involves the use of herbo mineral agents which have a specific action on the brain and nerve cells and also have an anti- tumour effect.  These medicines are used in high doses in order to treat the tumour and bring about an early remission.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment is especially useful for individuals with prolactinoma who cannot be operated upon for various medical reasons.  In such individuals, Ayurvedic herbal medicines help to bring about a remission of the symptoms as well as a regression of the tumour.  Different herbal medicines also need to be utilised which have a specific action on the pituitary gland and thereby help to regulate the dysfunctional hormonal production and its associated symptoms.

Symptomatic treatment for various symptoms also needs to be done; therefore, herbal medicines are used to treat headache, reduce visual disturbances, and treat infertility and impotence.  Combined treatment of the tumour as well as the symptoms helps to bring about an early improvement in the affected individual.  In most patients affected with this condition, treatment needs to be given for periods ranging from 9 to 15 months, in order to bring about a complete regression of the tumour as well as prevent a recurrence of the condition.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment can also be given in combination with modern medicines or after surgical removal of the tumour.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a significant contribution to play in the management and treatment of prolactinoma.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Churg Strauss Syndrome

Churg Strauss syndrome is also known as allergic angiitis and allergic granulomatosis.  This disease can be caused as a reaction to certain medicines or because of a dysfunctional immune system and causes symptoms such as asthma, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, skin rash, fever, gastrointestinal bleeding, joint pains and swelling; pain, numbness and tingling in the extremities, and bleeding.  This disease causes inflammation in the blood vessels, thereby reducing the blood supply to organs and tissues and causing a dysfunction of the organs or permanent damage, leading to peripheral nerve damage, scarring of the skin and long term complications of the heart and kidney.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for Churg Strauss syndrome is aimed at treating the inflammation in the blood vessels and improving blood supply to the different organs and systems.  Medicines are also given to reduce the damaged done to different organs; prevent long term complications, and reducing or reversing the extent of damage to the organs.  Herbal medicines which have a known anti-inflammatory action and also have a specific affinity for the blood vessels are used in high doses in the management and treatment of this condition.  Other herbal medicines are also used which reduce and remove the toxins from the blood and flush them from the body either through the gastrointestinal system or through the kidneys.

Ayurvedic herbal medicines are also given for symptomatic treatment for asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, skin rash, fever, pain, swelling, and bleeding.  In addition, Ayurvedic herbal medicines are also used to strengthen the nervous system as well as peripheral nerves in order to prevent long-term damage and pain.  Ayurvedic immunomodulatory herbal agents are also used in high doses in order to boost the immune status of the affected individual so as to reduce treatment time and bring about a remission and cure.

Most individuals affected with Churg Strauss syndrome require Ayurvedic herbal treatment for periods ranging from four to nine months, depending upon the severity of the symptoms and the damaged to the different organs and systems.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a definite role to play in the management and treatment of this condition.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at  and For Ayurvedic herbal treatment of Churg Strauss Syndrome, kindly click here

Monday, 5 December 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Swine Flu

Swine flu, also known as swine influenza A, results from swine flu viruses which are easily transmissible among humans. Symptoms include fever, cough, nasal secretions, fatigue, headache, and gastrointestinal symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea. Swine flu is especially a cause for concern in young adults and children, and immunocompromised individuals. Anti-viral agents are effective in the treatment of this condition if taken within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for swine flu is aimed at treating the symptoms of the upper respiratory tract, providing anti-viral medication, as well as boosting the immune status of the affected individual.  Herbal medicines are used to reduce the inflammation and congestion of the nasal mucosa and the sinuses so as to reduce symptoms of fever, cough, nasal secretions and headache.  If the patient exhibits gastrointestinal symptoms, these are treated separately.  Herbal medicines which have an anti-viral action are used in high doses in order to control the viral infection at the earliest.

More importantly, Ayurvedic herbal medicines which have a specific action on the immune status of the affected individual are used in high doses so as to boost the immune system at the earliest.  This helps in an early resolution of symptoms and prevents long-term complications.  A strong immunity also helps to control the viral infection and prevents the possibility of a long-term latent infection.

Most individuals affected with swine flu require Ayurvedic herbal treatment for about four to eight weeks, depending upon the severity of the symptoms and the immune status of the affected individual.  After completion of the mainstay of treatment, it is advisable to provide additional therapy to the patient so as to prevent a recurrence of the condition.  During an outbreak of swine flu, it is also advisable to use simple herbal medicines in order to prevent infection with this condition, especially for individuals who come in contact with affected patients.  Such preventive treatments are useful preventing large-scale outbreaks of conditions like swine flu.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at