
Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa

Retinitis pigmentosa is an inherited condition which leads to gradual and progressive vision loss.  The common symptoms of this condition include night blindness, flashes of light, and gradually vision loss, which may sometimes be accompanied by hearing loss.  This condition is however, more a result of degeneration than actual inflammation.  Currently, there is no specific treatment for this condition in the modern system of medicine.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment can be used very effectively in the management and treatment of retinitis pigmentosa.  Since this condition is due to degeneration, Ayurvedic herbal medicines and herbo mineral medicines which provide vital micronutrients are used so as to nourish the eye, halt the degeneration, and repair the damage done to the eye, especially the retina.  A combination of herbal medicines is used which include medicines to strengthen the optic nerve, medicines to treat blood vessel damage, and medicines to detoxify the blood circulation within the eyes.

The main treatment for retinitis pigmentosa is in the form of oral medication; however, this can be supplemented with the use of local treatment in the form of eye drops, application of medicated oils, ghee and pastes on the eyes, as well as other Panchkarma procedures in order to regularise neurological deficit in the body.  High blood pressure, excessive cholesterol in the blood, accumulation of toxins in the body, bleeding tendency in the capillaries, and stress are known factors which may cause or aggravate retinitis pigmentosa, and all these factors need to be treated thoroughly, with the help of herbal medicines.

Retinitis pigmentosa is a serious disease which can gradually cause a complete loss of vision.  Hence, aggressive Ayurvedic herbal treatment is required to treat this condition at the earliest possible, so as to prevent loss of vision, and restore eyesight to the maximum extent possible.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment may be required usually from about six to twelve months, for significant improvement or a complete recovery.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and   

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Retinal Detachment

The retina is a thin tissue at the back of the eye which transmits visual impulses to the brain and allows interpretation of eyesight.  A retinal detachment causes a separation of this layer from the underlying tissue due to various causes such as trauma, bleeding, severity of near-sightedness, medications or surgery.  This condition can lead to complete loss of vision, and usually requires urgent surgical correction.  However, surgery may not completely restore eyesight, and retinal detachment can recur.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment is beneficial in retinal detachment in several ways.  Firstly, it can prevent the causes for retinal detachment such as reducing swelling, bleeding, and damage to the inner parts of the eye due to medications or surgery.  Secondly, Ayurvedic medicines can be used to treat and completely heal the retinal detachment, especially in cases where surgery is not at all possible.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines are given to correct the damage to the tissues in the eye, as well as to treat all the causes responsible for this condition.

In addition, special and simple Panchkarma procedures are adopted so as to treat neurological and metabolic imbalances in the body, which can cause and sustain the retinal detachment and its known causes.  In addition to oral medication, simple procedures like application of medicated ghee or paste on the eyes, intake of medicated ghee, and Basti or enema of simple oil are given repeatedly.  In addition, Ayurvedic herbal medicines which have a specific action on the eye, retina, the blood tissue, as well as the walls of the arteries and capillaries, are used for prolonged periods in high doses.

The overall combined result of these medicines and medical procedures is that retina detachment reduces spontaneously, its causes get resolved completely, and the affected individual gradually regains complete or almost complete vision in a matter of a few weeks to a few months.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment can thus provide significant improvement in the vision of patients affected with retinal detachment.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Dermographism

Dermographism is a condition in which the skin displays an exaggerated response to physical pressure.  The response is in the form of redness, swelling, itching and possibly oozing.  The symptoms are aggravated by heat, minor pressure, exercise, stress, and emotion.  Dermographism is usually seen in young adults and can be either acute, intermediate reaction type, or present as a delayed form of reaction.

The Ayurvedic treatment of Dermographism consists of treating the skin as well as the subcutaneous tissue and the microcirculation of the skin in such a way so as to reduce or normalise the exaggerated skin response to pressure.  Treatment is given both as oral medication as well as local application.  Local application is usually done on the entire skin of the body, and soothing herbal medicated oils and ointments are used for this purpose.  These soothing medications reduce the hyper reactivity of the skin and prevent symptoms of Dermographism to a great extent.

Ayurvedic herbal medicines are given orally in order to treat the blood tissue, blood vessels, the capillaries immediately below the skin and in the subcutaneous tissue in order to reduce the hyper reactive component in the blood and in the subcutaneous tissue cells.  Herbal medicines are also given to soothe the irritable nerves below the skin, since this is an important aspect of treatment.  Herbal medicines which have a strengthening and soothing action on the nerves are given for prolonged periods, and these medicines have a dual action out of which the first part is locally on the skin and the second part is on the brain, so that the entire nervous system of the affected individual is acted upon.  This helps in turn to reduce the Dermographism symptoms from the entire skin of the body.

Depending upon the severity of the condition, and the known aggravating factors, Ayurvedic herbal treatment for Dermographism is usually required for about two to six months, in which period most patients get completely cured.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and

Friday, 30 September 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Stargardt's Disease

Stargardt's disease is the most common form of inherited juvenile macular degeneration and usually begins in late childhood.  This medical condition involves a gradual buildup of fat deposits in the Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) which cuts off nourishment to the photoreceptor cells in the macula, causing a gradual degeneration of these photoreceptor cells and ultimately a loss of vision.  Currently, there is no specific management for this condition in the modern system of medicine.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for Stargardt's disease is aimed at reversing the pathology of this condition and providing adequate nourishment to the photoreceptor cells in the macula part of the retina.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines which have a specific action on the retina are used in high doses and for prolonged periods in order to halt the degeneration process and buildup gradual nourishment to the retina so that the photoreceptor cells start functioning at normal or near normal levels.  Additional Ayurvedic herbal medicines are also used to remove the deposition of fat in the RPE so as to treat the root cause of the condition.  This fat deposition is removed through the blood circulation gradually either through the gastrointestinal tract or through the kidneys.

While the main treatment for Stargardt's disease is in the form of oral Ayurvedic Herbal medicines, this treatment can also be supplemented with localised treatment in the form of eye drops or application of herbal pastes around the eyes.  The regular and long-term use of herbal eye drops also helps to provide nourishment and maintains vision.

Most individuals affected with Stargardt's disease usually require regular Ayurvedic herbal treatment for periods ranging from one to two years in order to significantly benefit from treatment, prevent further loss of vision, and show actual improvement of vision.  Since this disease is primarily seen in children, a lot of patience is required both on the part of the affected individual as well as the caretakers.  However, persistent treatment brings about significant improvement in vision, and can therefore significantly improve the quality of life of such individuals.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a significant role to play in the management and treatment of Stargardt's disease.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Ventricular Tachycardia

Ventricular tachycardia is a medical condition in which the heart rate per minute is more than hundred beats and can result in symptoms like giddiness, palpitation, and breathlessness, and may be associated with a risk of sudden death.  The prognosis is more serious when ventricular tachycardia is associated with heart disease.  The modern management of this condition includes treatment with drugs, implantable heart devices or endocardial catheter ablation therapy.

Ventricular tachycardia is a serious medical situation and therefore requires treatment in a hospital with intensive care facilities.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment can be given as additional and supportive therapy in order to bring about long-term improvement and cure of the condition so as to prevent or reduce the need for long-term drugs, mechanical devices or ablation therapy.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines which have a specific action on the heart muscles and the conduction of impulses in the heart are used in high doses for several months together.  These medicines strengthen the heart as well as regulate the nerve impulses so as to bring about a normal transmission of impulses in the entire heart.  This gradually prevents abnormal beating of the heart, especially of the ventricles.

Once an improvement is observed in the affected individual with appropriate use of Ayurvedic herbal medicines, further medicines are given to strengthen the heart, regulate the nerve impulses, and prevent a relapse of the condition.  Overall, individuals affected with ventricular tachycardia need regular Ayurvedic herbal treatment for about three to six months in order to bring about a significant improvement in the ventricular tachycardia.  However, because of the risk of sudden death, all such individuals need to remain under the regular supervision and medical care of a Cardiologist.  Modern medicines can be continued along with the use of Ayurvedic herbal medicines so as to give maximum benefit to the affected individual.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment can thus be judiciously utilised in the management and treatment of ventricular tachycardia.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Progressive Cerebellar Ataxia

Progressive cerebellar ataxia is a medical condition involving a degenerative process of the central nervous system which results in a progressive loss of coordination of gait, limb movement, as well as vision, swallowing, and cognition.  Genetic causes as well as diseases like multiple sclerosis and alcoholic cerebellar disease are believed to responsible for progressive cerebellar ataxia.  Currently, there is no specific modern management for this condition.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for progressive cerebellar ataxia is aimed at halting the degenerative process of the central nervous system as well as strengthening the nervous system so as to improve the functioning of the nerve cells and the chemical neurotransmitters connecting the nerve synapses.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines which have a known and specific action on brain cells as well as nerve cells are used for prolonged periods and in high doses.  As a result of these medicines, the affected individual gradually starts noticing improvement in neuromuscular coordination, bodily functions as well as cognition.

While Ayurvedic treatment is mainly in the form of oral medication, supportive localised therapy can also be given in the form of massage of the body with medicated oils, pastes, or powders.  Local treatment helps in stimulating the nerve roots as well as muscles and tendons.  Additional herbal treatment also needs to be given to improve cognition and memory and since these medicines have a specific action on the brain, they also have a direct and positive action on the entire central nervous system.

Most individuals affected with progressive cerebellar ataxia need regular and aggressive Ayurvedic herbal treatment for periods ranging from six to twelve months in order to significantly benefit from treatment.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment can bring about definite improvement in individuals affected with this condition and can significantly improve the quality of life as well as the overall life span of the affected individual.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Burns Septicemia

Burns septicemia is a condition indicating severe infection resulting after burns in an affected individual.  Susceptibility to infection in burns is much higher because of disruption of the skin barrier, a higher proportion of moist and dead tissue, an immuno-compromised state, the need for prolonged hospitalization, and invasive procedure required in treatment.  As a result of this situation, burns septicemia is associated with a high degree of morbidity and mortality.  The modern management of this condition includes appropriate intravenous fluid therapy, antibiotics, and the adoption of strict aseptic precautions.  Significantly, nearly 75% of all deaths following burns are related to infection.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for burns septicemia is aimed at reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with severe infection while treating an individual affected with severe burns.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines are given to bring about a quicker healing of the burns.  In addition, toxins generated in the body due to severe burns are removed quickly from the circulation either through the gastrointestinal tract or through the kidneys with the help of herbal medicines.  Medicines are also given to maintain the stability of important organs like the liver and kidneys.

Ayurvedic herbal medicines are also used in high doses in order to improve the immune status of the individual affected with burns so as to help in the fight against the infection and to bring about a quicker healing of the burns.  Ayurvedic medicines can also be applied locally to help bring about a faster healing of the burn lesions.  Ayurvedic herbal treatment can help to prevent infection in the burns both at the local level as well as prevent a generalised toxic reaction in the body.

With the addition of Ayurvedic herbal treatment as supportive management in individuals affected with burns septicemia, treatment time can be reduced to half or lesser, and morbidity and mortality resulting from this condition can be considerably reduced.  If Ayurvedic herbal treatment is instituted at the earliest, it can also prevent long-term complications of burns such as scar formations and contractures.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a significant role to play in the management and treatment of burns septicemia.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at