
Thursday, 7 July 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Freidreich's Ataxia

Freidreich's ataxia is a medical condition resulting from a genetic abnormality which causes a gradual degeneration of the nervous system.  This results in impaired movement and coordination, tremors, difficulty in speech, and other complications.  This is a progressive disease in which the symptoms keep on increasing over time.  There is no specific treatment or cure for this condition in the modern system of medicine.  Treatment or management of this condition is therefore at best only supportive.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment is very effective in Freidreich’s ataxia, since Ayurvedic medicines work very well to help in the recovery of the nervous system.  Ayurvedic medicines help the brain cells as well as nerves to regenerate and function normally.  Ayurvedic treatment can be given in the form of oral medication as well as local massage of medicated herbal oils, followed by fomentation.  Ayurvedic treatment needs to be aggressively given while managing this condition, so that symptoms can be adequately treated and further deterioration can be prevented at the earliest.  Aggressive treatment prevents further complications and reduces the morbidity and mortality associated with this condition.

Ayurvedic treatment therefore effectively treats the root cause of Freidreich’s ataxia.  The treatment improves all the symptoms like loss of balance, tremors, muscular in-coordination, difficulty in speech, and problems related to vital organs such as the heart.  It is important to keep in mind that results are apparent only after a few months of regular treatment, since the regeneration of the damaged nervous system takes time.  Individuals affected with Freidreich’s ataxia therefore need to take regular Ayurvedic treatment for least six months in order to get good results.  Treatment can then be gradually tapered off and then stopped completely.

Ayurvedic medicines can therefore completely change the outlook for people affected with Freidreich’s ataxia.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating)

Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition in which there is excessive sweating especially on the forehead, in underarms and on the palms.  While this condition is not serious, it can cause considerable social embarrassment.  There are some medical conditions which are associated with excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis, such as obesity, diabetes and a family tendency to excessive sweating.  However, most people who present with excessive sweating do not have any of these risk factors.  Stress is also an important factor, since most people note excessive sweating at times of increased stress, such as public speaking, important office meetings, and other such important occasions.  There is no cure for this condition in modern medicine; however, Botox injections give temporary relief for about two or three months.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment is of prime importance in the treatment of hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating.  Treatment is aimed at giving symptomatic relief as well as treating any known cause for the disease.  Special consideration needs to be given for the management of stress.  In addition, Ayurvedic treatment for hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating is aimed at correcting any possible abnormalities in the ‘meda’ (fat) tissue as well as treating high levels of pitta in the body.  In addition, treatment also needs to be given for the correction of neurological abnormalities related to excessive sweating.  Primarily, it is believed that the autonomous nervous system is overactive, leading to excessive sweating.  This over-activity of the nervous system is corrected with the appropriate Ayurvedic medicines.

Hyperhidrosis or excessive sweating is normally believed to be refractory to known treatments, both conventional as well as Alternative.  Ayurvedic medicines have overall so far proved to be quite effective in the treatment of excessive sweating; however, treatment needs to be taken regularly for several months, usually about six months.  Individuals affected with this problem who are extremely prone to stress and have undermined confidence can also be given medicines to treat these problems.  Lessening of stress and boosting of confidence with the appropriate medicines can considerably improve the quality of life of people affected with hyperhidrosis.  Increased confidence and low stress levels can also improve hyperhidrosis to a considerable extent.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Transient Ischemic Attacks

Transient Ischemic Attack is a medical condition in which there is a temporary paralysis of the body which simulates stroke or paralysis.  However, in a transient ischemic attack, there is no permanent brain damage or damage to the nerves, nerve impulses, and neuromuscular junctions.  This condition usually resolves spontaneously within a few hours.  However, it is a warning signal that something is wrong with the body and needs to be corrected.  If adequate steps are taken for lifestyle changes and medication is instituted for any detected abnormalities such as high blood pressure, increased blood sugar, and increased cholesterol, then further complications like permanent paralysis can be avoided.

The Ayurvedic treatment for transient ischemic attacks deals with the correction and treatment of known causes as well as treatment of the pathophysiology of the condition.  The first and foremost step is to correct the known causes of the condition.  Therefore treatment for hypertension, increased cholesterol, as well as stress is imperative.  In addition, treatment is given to treat the arteries in the brain so as to reduce the pressure within the arteries, to improve the strength of the vascular walls, and to treat abnormalities in the blood which may cause bleeding or reduced supply to the brain.

The advantage of treating transient ischemic attacks is that permanent paralysis of the body can be avoided.  It is therefore important to aggressively treat transient ischemic attacks so as to avoid further complications and permanent damage.  In addition, this clinical condition is more amenable to treatment than actual paralysis.  Modern treatment usually involves giving aspirin, giving anti-hypertensive treatment, and medication to control cholesterol.  These medicines usually prevent transient Ischemic attacks or paralytic attacks resulting from thrombosis; however, there are hardly any medicines which can prevent ischaemia of the brain cells.  Ayurvedic medicines can be successfully used to prevent or treat both situations.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment is therefore very important for the management of transient ischemic attacks and paralysis.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Stroke or Paralysis

Stroke is a medical condition in which some parts of the brain are damaged either because of a reduced blood supply or due to bleeding vessels in the brain.  This results in impaired movement or loss of movement in the extremities or body parts which are supplied by the defective or damaged parts of the brain.  Stroke or paralysis is a frustrating medical condition and leads to a lifelong physical as well as mental handicap, and the situation is aggravated since there is no clear cut treatment or cure for this condition in the modern system of medicine.  The treatment given in such a condition is mainly supportive, and includes symptomatic treatment for known causes as well as graded exercises or physical rehabilitation.

The Ayurvedic treatment for this condition involves treatment of the known causes, treatment for improving the blood circulation to the brain or reducing the damage done by bleeding vessels.  After the occurrence of stroke, Ayurvedic treatment can be given in order to hasten recovery and improve the functioning of nerves and muscular strength.  Ayurvedic medicines are known to bring about regeneration of damaged nerves and nerve impulses.  In addition, Ayurvedic medicines also act on the neuromuscular junctions to improve neuromuscular coordination and muscular activity.  This treatment consists of oral medication as well as localised massage with medicated oils, after which the impaired parts are treated to fomentation.

Ayurvedic medicines therefore have a definite role to play in the treatment of stroke or paralysis.  This treatment gives a comprehensive improvement for all the symptoms related to paralysis, while also treating the original cause of the condition.  It is also important to treat contributing factors like hypertension, stress, increased cholesterol and other related conditions.  It is important to keep in mind that the results of Ayurvedic treatment in the management of paralysis are best when treatment is instituted within the first two months.  Early treatment usually results in a complete or near complete recovery.  Delayed treatment is still effective, and should be commenced as early as possible, in order to derive maximum benefit from the medicines.  Stroke rehabilitation can therefore be considered to be incomplete without Ayurvedic treatment.  Treatment is usually required for about four months and can dramatically alter the quality of life of affected individuals.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Mitral Valve Regurgitation and Aortic Valve Regurgitation

The flow of blood in the heart is uni-directional because of the valves present in the heart.  The heart has four main valves out of which the mitral valve and the aortic valve have special clinical significance.  Stenosis of the valves is related to a narrowing of the flow inlet through the valves, because of which blood flow is at a higher velocity through a narrow opening, leading to increase workload on the previous injecting chamber of the heart.  On the other hand, regurgitation relates to backflow of the blood because of incompetence in the closure of the valves.  The clinical condition associated with this regurgitation is named after the affected valves, in this case, it is known as either mitral valves regurgitation or aortic valve regurgitation.  These conditions lead to an increase in size of the heart, which in the longer run can cause heart failure.

The treatment of mitral valve regurgitation and aortic valve regurgitation in the modern system of medicine is mainly surgical, which usually involves replacement of the defective valve.  Ayurvedic medicines can be utilised to treat mitral valve regurgitation and aortic valve regurgitation either before surgery or in patients who cannot be operated upon for various reasons.  The Ayurvedic medicines which are useful in these clinical conditions act upon the heart muscle as well as the tendons connecting the heart muscles to the valve leaves.  The overall effect of these medicines is that the regurgitation of blood reduces significantly and the overall pumping action of the heart improves to such an extent that the major clinical symptoms of the affected individual can be controlled very well.  In addition, these medicines have a corrective action on the heart, so that symptoms do not recur even after stopping the treatment.

Ayurvedic treatment for the management of mitral valve regurgitation and aortic valve regurgitation can therefore be considered to be quite effective in a majority of the patients.  Most people affected with these conditions require Ayurvedic medicines for a period of four to six months.  The important thing is that Ayurvedic treatment can significantly alter the lives of people affected with mitral valve regurgitation and aortic valve regurgitation.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic Kidney Disease is a genetic disorder and runs in the family.  People affected with this disorder usually have multiple cysts of varying sizes.  Most such affected individuals also have similar cysts in the liver.  If the cysts are small in number and size, usually they do not create any problems for the affected individual; however, if the cysts are large in number and size, they create problems in the long run by increasing blood pressure, and damaging the kidney structure to such an extent that the structure of the kidneys starts deteriorating.  The same pathology can work for the liver too.  There is no modern treatment for this medical condition, and mostly symptomatic treatment can be given for the resulting complications.

Ayurveda has several medicines which can act on cysts and reduce both the number and size of cysts.  In addition, there are several Ayurvedic medicines which act on abdominal cysts, benign tumours, and fluid filled pockets such that the size can either be reduced, or the growth can be dissolved completely.  Ayurvedic medicines work effectively for polycystic ovaries, polycystic kidneys, as well as within the liver.  Most such medicines are simple herbs which are completely safe for prolonged use and also have multiple benefits like improving the digestion, and improving the function of the affected organ such as ovary, kidneys and the liver.  The proper use of such medicines therefore helps in conception in women having polycystic ovaries.  Individuals who have polycystic kidneys can be treated so as to reduce the size and number of the cysts, in order to prevent complications like hypertension and chronic kidney failure.  More importantly, the timely use of such medicines helps prevent damage to the tissue in the kidneys and liver.

Ayurvedic medicines are therefore highly effective in the treatment of polycystic kidney as well as polycystic liver.  It is important to commence the treatment at the earliest after a definite diagnosis of the disease, in order to get maximum improvement.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Avascular Necrosis of the Hip (AVN)

Avascular necrosis of the hip is a medical condition in which, due to various reasons, the blood supply to the head of the hip joint reduces drastically.  This results in a gradual deterioration of the structure of the hip joint, resulting in a destruction of the hip bone head.  This causes severe pain to the affected person and also results in impaired mobility of the hip joint.  There are no modern medicines which can halt the progress of this disease or reverse the damage done to the hip joint.  Modern treatment consists of controlling pain and graded mobility exercises of the joint.  The standard treatment for advanced avascular necrosis of the joint is surgical correction, whereby the hip joint is either repaired or replaced.

Ayurvedic medicines can be utilised judiciously to treat avascular necrosis of hip.  Ayurvedic medicines help to restore normal blood supply to the hip joint and also provide sufficient nutrition and calcium to the hip joint to help restore and reorganise the structure of the hip joint.  In addition, pain also needs to be controlled effectively in order to maintain the morale of the affected individual.  Local application of medicated oils and fomentation also helps in reducing pain to some extent.  The main treatment of avascular necrosis of hip is to help reorganise the hip joint to the maximum extent possible.  The amount of improvement obtained with medicines depends upon the degree of damage done when the patient opts for Ayurvedic treatment.  However, irrespective of when treatment is commenced, all people affected with avascular necrosis of hip improve to some extent.

Usually, treatment is required from four to six months in order to give significant relief to the patient.  Most of the people affected with avascular necrosis of the hip can resume their normal day-to-day activities and lead a near normal life.  Ayurvedic treatment is thus very important in the treatment of avascular necrosis of hip.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at