
Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Ulcerative Colitis – Modern (Allopathic) Versus Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

 Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammatory bowel disease which typically affects only the large intestine, and usually involves only the inner layers (mucosa and sub-mucosa) in a continuous manner. This is unlike Crohn’s disease which may affect any part of the gastro-intestinal tract, has a non-continuous spread (skip lesions), and involves the entire depth of the intestinal wall. UC has many causative factors including genetics, immune system reactions, drug usage (mostly pain killers and oral contraceptives), environmental factors, stress, smoking, and consumption of milk products. Common symptoms include pain in the lower abdomen, frequent motions, mucus discharge, and rectal bleed. Patients with severe involvement may have fever, purulent rectal discharge, weight loss, and extra-colonic manifestations. 

The modern (Allopathic) management of this condition is based upon the severity at presentation. Mild disease confined to the rectum is treated with topical Mesalazine suppository; left sided colonic disease is treated with Mesalazine suppository as well as oral administration of the same drug. Patients who do not respond well to this treatment are also treated with oral steroids, including budesonide. Patients who achieve remission are maintained on a once –a-day oral drug schedule. Patients with severe disease may need to be hospitalized and treated with intravenous steroids and immune suppressant drugs, in addition to the treatment mentioned above. Surgery may be indicated for a select few patients. 

Most patients may require treatment on a long-term basis or even life-long. People affected with this condition usually have an increased mortality, either due to the condition, or as a result of side effects of ongoing treatment. There is a risk of long term complications as well as an increased risk of cancer. Elderly patients are more vulnerable to an increase in mortality. 

The Ayurvedic treatment of ulcerative colitis consists of giving symptomatic treatment as well as treating the root cause of the disease.  Pain in abdomen, chronic diarrhoea, and blood in the stool is treated with Ayurvedic herbal medicines which help in digestion of food, and regulate the forward movement of the intestines. Ayurvedic herbal medicines are used to treat the inflammation in the intestines, to heal the ulceration, and bring the intestinal mucosa back to normal.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines which strengthen the intestinal mucosa, and build up the normal cellular structure of the intestinal walls are used in the treatment of ulcerative colitis.  Regular treatment for about four to six months is usually sufficient to bring about a significant healing of the inflammation and ulceration in the intestines, which is usually seen in ulcerative colitis.

 In addition, Ayurvedic herbal medicines are also given to normalize and boost the immune status of the affected patients.  These treat the root cause of the disease and help in early resolution of the symptoms as well as bring about a complete reversal of the pathology of ulcerative colitis.  A complete course of symptomatic treatment as well as immunomodulation treatment helps in preventing further recurrences of this condition.  Patients with severe symptoms who do not respond well to oral treatment may also require additional Panchkarma treatment in the form of medicated enemas (Basti). Overall, a patient with severe ulcerative colitis may require treatment from about twelve to eighteen months, in order to be completely cured of this condition.


The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and For Ayurvedic herbal treatment of ulcerative colits, kindly click here

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Cirrhosis of the Liver- Modern (Allopathic) Versus Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

 Chronic damage to liver cells causes liver cell inflammation; this usually heals with scar tissue formation. This gradual degeneration and scarring of the liver is known as cirrhosis. This medical condition is mostly caused by chronic viral infections like hepatitis B and C, fatty liver, alcohol abuse, inherited metabolic disorders, exposure to environmental toxins, and strong reactions to medicines. Cirrhosis causes a gradual dysfunction of the liver as well as blockage of blood and fluids passing through the liver. Processing of nutrients, hormones, drugs, toxins, as well as production of proteins and other substances is seriously affected. 

Confirmed cirrhosis is designated as compensated – when the liver function is well maintained - and decompensated – when the liver can no longer carry on its normal function – thereby causing symptoms such as jaundice, ascites, bleeding varices, hepatic encephalopathy, liver cancer, and concurrent disease of the kidneys or lungs. In the early stages, there may be vague symptoms such as fatigue, loss of appetite, and weight loss, while in the late stages there may be symptoms like easy bruising, and severe itching. 

Modern (Allopathic) treatment consists of home care, medications and surgery. Treating or removing known causes such as drugs and alcohol consumption, and obesity, are essential to prevent further damage. Patients are advised to consume a low sodium and high protein diet, with adequate hydration. Routine vaccinations are recommended to be taken as per schedule. Medications are required mainly to reduce ascites, control hypertension, treat inflammation and infections, and for the specific treatment of hepatitis B and C. Abdominal tapping can be done as a temporary measure to remove excess of ascites fluid. Patients with advanced cirrhosis are recommended surgical liver transplant. 

Ayurvedic herbal treatment for cirrhosis of the liver is aimed at bringing about a reversal of degeneration and death of the liver cells, and an increase in the blood supply passing through the liver.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines which act on the liver cells and reduce inflammation and damage, and bring about a healing in the liver, are used in high doses.  In addition, other herbal medicines are also used which reduce fibrosis and remove dead cells and damaged tissue from the organ.  Toxins and unwanted material are removed through the kidneys and also the gastrointestinal tract.  Medicines are also given to remove inflammation and toxins present in the circulatory system. 

In addition, herbal medicines are also given to treat viral infections if present, and to reduce the effect of environmental toxins present in the blood.  Alcohol abuse is one of the commonest causes for cirrhosis of liver, and alcohol dependence or misuse also needs to be treated concurrently along with the treatment for cirrhosis of liver.  Most people affected with this condition need regular treatment for at least about eight to ten months, depending upon the severity of the condition.  If treatment is taken regularly, most people affected with cirrhosis of the liver benefit significantly from treatment, with a significant increase in lifespan as well as considerable improvement in the quality of life. 

Ayurvedic Herbal treatment can thus be judiciously utilised in the management and treatment of cirrhosis of the liver.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and For Ayurvedic herbal treatment of liver cirrhosis, kindly click here

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Hepatitis – Modern (Allopathic) Versus Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

 Inflammation of the liver is known as hepatitis, which can be either acute, or chronic if lasting for more than six months. Causes for this condition include viral infection, drug reactions, drug abuse and overdose, exposure to chemicals, and chronic alcohol abuse. Jaundice is a direct and visible effect of acute hepatitis; this can be as a result of bile pigment overproduction (due to excessive breakdown of red blood cells as seen in malaria) or bile flow obstruction (due to bile duct blockage or actual liver cell inflammation). 

There is no specific medicine in the modern (Allopathic) system of medicine to treat hepatitis and actual liver damage. However, modern medicine does have antiviral medications to treat the various types of liver viral infections like Hepatitis B and C. In addition, modern hepatologists use immune modulating drugs like interferon to reduce inflammation in chronic liver damage and improve immunity. Most of these medicines need to be taken for prolonged periods or even life-long. These are mostly quite costly and toxic, and may potentially cause damage to blood cells and kidneys, and may even prove ineffective in the long run. On the positive side, modern medicine does have a highly effective preventive vaccine for Hepatitis B, and treatment for two months with antiviral medications can effectively cure hepatitis C. Patients with irreversible liver damage or liver cirrhosis can be offered an option for surgical liver transplant, though this can prove to be a very costly and potentially risky procedure.

 Ayurvedic herbal treatment for hepatitis is aimed at giving specific treatment for the inflammation and damage in the liver cells as well as treatment for any known causes for the condition.  Ayurvedic herbal medicines are considered to be very useful in the management and treatment of both acute as well as chronic hepatitis.  There are several well-known herbal medicines which specifically act on the liver and reduce inflammation and swelling of the liver cells, and bring about a reversal of the damage and dysfunction in the liver.  Herbal medicines also normalize the flow of bile through the liver as well as within the bile duct.

 Ayurvedic herbal medicines can also be given to treat and reverse damage due to drugs and chemicals as well as alcohol.  Herbal medicines which act on the liver as well as other vital organs such as the kidneys and heart need to be given in combination to treat such situations.  Chronic alcoholism also needs to be treated aggressively so as to help in an early remission of chronic hepatitis.  Acute or chronic hepatitis resulting from viral infection also need specific treatment with Ayurvedic anti-viral herbal medicines which are very useful in the treatment of viral hepatitis. 

Most individuals having chronic hepatitis also need treatment with herbal immunomodulatory agents so as to improve the overall immune status and to maintain the health and vitality of the patient.  Chronic hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis of the liver which results in permanent damage and long-term complications which can lead to significant morbidity and mortality.  Hence, early institution of Ayurvedic herbal treatment in the management of chronic hepatitis is very important so as to provide early remission from the condition and prevent long-term complications.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and To start Ayurvedic herbal treatment for chronic hepatitis, kindly click here

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Chronic Urticaria – Comparison of Modern (Allopathic) and Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

 Urticaria aka hives is an allergic skin reaction with characteristic red and itchy patches which usually subside within twenty-four hours without any pigmentation or scaling. When this condition persists for more than six weeks, it is known as chronic urticaria. While urticaria is usually not serious, a variant known as angioedema – involving the skin and mucous membranes, usually in the eyelids, lips, and tongue – is typically more serious and may prove to be life-threatening if not treated immediately.

A detailed medical history along with physical examination usually suffices to make a clinical diagnosis of chronic urticaria. Further investigations may be warranted with a concurrent history of parasitic infection, thyroid disorder, or autoimmune disorder. A skin biopsy may rarely be indicated with concurrent skin bleeds, autoimmune features, fever, arthritis, or if skin lesions persist for more than 24 hours at a time.

Chronic urticaria is usually idiopathic in nature; there is no definite cause which can be attributed to it, though it is now believed that an underlying autoimmune process may be one driving factor. A small subset is known as pressure urticaria, which may be caused or aggravated by pressure, vibrations, temperature changes, sweating, sun exposure and contact with water. Though rare, chronic urticaria may also be secondary to some underlying medical condition.

The modern (Allopathic) management of chronic urticaria is usually with the help of anti-histamine medications, which usually suffice to treat rash as well as itching in mild cases. For individuals with moderately severe symptoms, additional treatment with colchicine, dapsone, and steroids may be required for a limited duration. Immune modulating drugs may be required for patients who exhibit an autoimmune disease process, while a few may require thyroid medications.

In addition to a medication regime, it is also important to avoid triggers like stress, fatigue, tight-fitting clothes, alcohol, aspirin, and other non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs. Soothing ointments can help relieve itching, while lukewarm baths can alleviate night-time itching. With a properly planned medication regime, nearly 50 percent patients undergo disease remission within a year, even though chronic urticaria is known to last from several months to several years. Though not serious or life threatening, this condition can adversely impact quality of life.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment is also very useful in treating chronic urticaria; this treatment can especially be put to good use in treating those patients who do not respond satisfactorily to modern medicines. While modern (Allopathic) medicines treat on a symptomatic basis, Ayurvedic medicines act to reverse the basis pathology of the disease. Ayurvedic herbs act on the skin, subcutaneous tissue, mucus membranes, capillaries, blood as well as the nervous system and thereby strengthen skin tissue, treat allergy, and prevent recurrence.

As per Ayurvedic pathophysiology, the diagnosis of chronic urticaria is further differentiated as follows: urticaria with predominantly ‘Vata’ dosha symptoms is known as ‘Sheeta-pitta’;  with dominant ‘Pitta’ symptoms, it is known as “Utkotha”; while with dominant ‘Kapha’ symptoms, it is known as ‘Udarda’. Each of these types is treated in a different way and with different herbal medicines, thereby making the Ayurvedic treatment more specific and further amenable to results, even in refractory patients. For patients with highly refractory symptoms, purification Panchkarma procedures like induced emesis, induced purgation, and bloodletting are utilized, either as stand-alone procedures, or as combinations, or even as repeat combination-procedures, if indicated, along with oral medications. Since chronic urticaria may be related to hidden, underlying causes, it is equally important to look for and treat chronic gastro-intestinal symptoms, repeated worm infestations, thyroid disorders, chronic stress, latent infections, chronic inflammation, and autoimmune processes.

It is therefore very important to take a detailed medical history, do a thorough clinical examination and reach an accurate diagnosis before commencing treatment, in order to achieve a quick and complete remission. With proper and regular Ayurvedic herbal treatment, most patients having chronic urticaria can be fully treated in about 4-8 months. Depending upon the severity, patients with underlying autoimmune disease may require treatment for longer periods. It is equally important to adopt suitable lifestyle modifications and avoid know triggers.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi, is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at and  For Ayurvedic herbal treatment of chronic urticaria, kindly click here