
Thursday, 31 October 2019

Successful Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment of Hepatorenal Syndrome

Hepatorenal syndrome is a medical condition characterized by the development of kidney failure in patients having advanced, chronic liver disease. Nearly 40 % of patients having liver cirrhosis and ascites (fluid collection in the abdominal cavity) stand a risk of developing this condition. The resulting damage in the kidneys is functional, not structural, and is believed to result from constriction of the renal arteries, with concurrent vasodilatation in the body periphery. Type 1 hepatorenal syndrome has an average survival of 2-10 weeks, while type 2 has a median survival of 3-6 months. Liver transplantation is currently the only mode of treatment in modern medicine, which can improve long term survival; however, this procedure is prohibitively costly, involves a long waiting period, and has the potential for serious complications.

Blood and urine tests as well as other tests like abdominal ultrasonography may help diagnose other causes of kidney failure, since hepatorenal syndrome is primarily a diagnosis of exclusion. No specific modern medicine is currently known to be useful in the treatment of this condition. It is important to look for precipitating factors like infection and obstruction, which can be potentially treated completely, with chances of reversing the condition. Paracentesis (removal of accumulated water from the abdominal cavity) can relieve symptoms and may also help partially reverse the condition.

Hepatorenal syndrome is one medical condition where the timely institution of Ayurvedic herbal treatment can dramatically change the characteristically poor prognosis of this disease. Treated with high doses of herbal medicines, ascites can be virtually cleared up within one to two months.  Depending upon the severity of liver and kidney damage, liver and kidney parameters return to near normal levels within three to six months. It is important to commence treatment at the earliest in order to get maximum beneficial results.

It is equally important to maintain the morale of the patient, since modern medicine has little to offer other than liver transplantation, and most patients can be devastated on receiving this information. Regular monitoring of the patient is essential by different health professionals, including the nephrologist, general physician, and nutritionist. This can help maintain the patient’s health and day-to-day care, and detect any new or unforeseen medical situations.

          Ayurvedic herbal medicines are usually continued in high doses till the patient is completely asymptomatic, with stable liver and kidney parameters for at least three to four months. After this, the dosage of medicines may be gradually tapered with careful monitoring. In order to prevent a relapse, in most patients, it is advisable to continue a few medicines for the kidney and liver on a long term basis, or possibly, lifelong.

            Most patients can lead near normal lives with a good quality of life, and with the minimum possible medication. Ayurvedic herbal medicines can thus be utilized in the successful and comprehensive management of hepatorenal syndrome.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi, is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at and  For Ayurvedic herbal treatment of hepatorenal syndrome, kindly click here

Monday, 28 October 2019

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment of Meniere Disease

Meniere disease, also known as idiopathic endolymphatic hydrops, is a disease of the inner ear involving increased pressure within the inner ear endolymphatic system. This causes the typical symptoms of episodic vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss, tinnitus, and a sensation of fullness in the ear, known as aural fullness. When there is no known cause for this condition, it is known as meniere disease; with a known cause responsible for the condition, it is termed as meniere syndrome.

Metabolic disturbances, hormonal imbalance, trauma, autoimmune disorders, allergy, and various infections can cause this condition. Severe attacks of vertigo can be debilitating. The disease runs a chronic course with remissions and exacerbations. Most patients eventually stabilize; however, with long term hearing loss and imbalance as permanent features.

Modern treatment is aimed at giving symptomatic relief from the episodic vertigo, which is the most distressing symptom in this condition. There are specific medicines which are used for this on a short term basis. In addition, medicines like steroids and diuretics reduce inflammation and fluid pressure in the inner ear.

Ayurvedic treatment can be used on a more comprehensive basis to treat all the symptoms associated with meniere disease. Herbal medicines reduce the inflammation and swelling in the inner ear both on a short term as well as long term basis. Other herbs help reduce the inner ear damage and provide nutrition to the sensitive components of the inner ear so as to help reduce hearing loss, and improve hearing to the maximum extent possible. There are also some herbs which have a specific action of treating tinnitus in the ears.

While acute, severe vertigo is best treated with modern medicines, moderate level and mild vertigo, as well as chronic and recurrent vertigo, can be treated more effectively with the help of Ayurvedic herbal medicines. Depending upon the severity of symptoms, patients affected with this condition may require treatment for about 4-8 months. Rasayan (tonification) level Ayurvedic medicines are also available which can help to improve immunity, remove chronic inflammation, and prevent recurrence of meniere disease.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi, is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at and  For Ayurvedic herbal treatment of meniere's disease, kindly click here

Saturday, 12 October 2019

Successful Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic disease of the gastrointestinal tract characterized by abdominal pain and a change in bowel movement. Abdominal bloating or distension is also present. Altered bowel habits include diarrhea, constipation, or both in an alternating manner. In spite of the chronicity, affected individuals do not lose weight. In fact, weight loss, blood in stools, acute onset, late age onset, progressive symptoms, nocturnal symptoms, fever, and painless diarrhea are symptoms which may point to some other organic causes.

The management of this condition consists primarily in providing psychological support, dietary advice, and the use of medicines for troublesome symptoms. While this condition is chronic, with a relapsing and remitting nature, life expectancy remains unaffected, and most patients learn to manage their symptoms well enough by paying attention to dietary triggers. Psychological interventions are effective, and include cognitive-behavioural therapy, dynamic psychotherapy, and hypnotherapy.

IBS is primarily believed to be a functional disorder, with the absence of a specific and unique organic pathology. Increase or a change in bowel motility, increased pain sensitivity of the bowels, and increased psychological disturbance are associated with this condition. In recent times, some patients’ medical work-up has demonstrated the presence of organic pathology such as increased microscopic inflammation in some parts of the bowels, and a change in the bacterial population in the intestines. Some patients report onset of IBS after a chronic infection or after an episode of chronic diarrhea.

The Ayurvedic herbal treatment of IBS depends upon the history and presentation of the disease and its symptoms. It is important to look for organic causes which may mimic the symptoms. Herbal medicines which improve digestion and treat distension are important in the treatment of IBS. Medicines which increase or decrease bowel movement are used as required. Ayurvedic medicines also significantly reduce inflammation in the intestines, and therefore bring about remission on a long term basis.

Herbal medicines are also used to strengthen the nervous system and bring into harmony the psychological status of affected individuals. Reassurance, appropriate medicines, and simple dietary changes form the mainstay of IBS treatment. Along with the digestive treatment mentioned in the previous paragraph, these measures help immensely in reducing the hyperalgesia and disturbed intestinal motility, which are the hall marks of this condition. Medicines may also be required to treat chronic infection, or the after-effects of severe infection, if the history documents commencement of IBS after an infection.

Depending upon the severity of symptoms and the psychological status of affected individuals, Ayurvedic herbal treatment may be required for periods ranging from a few months to a few years.  However, a majority of affected individuals are able to live near normal lives, with a few modifications in lifestyle and food habits.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at     and  To start treatment for this condition, click here