
Showing posts with label autoimmune disorder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label autoimmune disorder. Show all posts

Thursday 28 January 2021

Polyarteritis Nodosa (PAN) – Modern (Allopathic) Versus Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

 Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a rare autoimmune disorder which involves generalized inflammation of small arteries in the body affecting mostly the skin, joints, peripheral nerves, intestines and kidneys, though the lings are usually spared. Common symptoms include fever, night sweats, weight loss, skin ulcerations or tender nodules, and severe muscle and joint pains, developing over weeks or months. PAN may be related to Hepatitis B and C infections, as also to genetic mutations. This disease can have serious long-term complications, especially if associated with intestinal, renal, heart or brain damage. Spontaneous bleeding from multiple sites can also prove to be fatal.  PAN is therefore a very serious disorder which needs urgent attention. 

Conservative treatment is usually with steroids and immune suppressant drugs. These medicines can be life-saving since they act immediately on the body and reduce or reverse inflammation, bleeding, organ damage and multiple organ failure. The overall outlook can thus be considerably improved with these medicines; however, the long term prognosis still remains grim. In addition to these limitations, both steroids and immune suppressants have considerable side effects when used in high doses or for prolonged periods. 

Ayurvedic herbal treatment is very effective in comprehensively treating PAN including the inflammation and damage to arteries, as well as treating and preventing long term complications. Herbal medicines can treat inflamed arteries; reduce the formation of micro aneurysms; prevent blockage, infarct, ulceration and bleeding; and thereby prevent long term damage to the organs they supply. Herbal medicines can also induce healing in inflamed arteries without compromising on immunity. Associated symptoms, or known causes, such as hepatitis, and chronic infections, can also be be treated separately with appropriate herbs. 

For a complete remission and to prevent long term relapses, the full spectrum of Ayurvedic treatment needs to be given, including detoxification, rejuvenation, and immune modulation. The various stages of these treatments need different medicines, while the herbs for treating the presenting symptoms and PAN pathology are continued concurrently. Depending upon the type of presentation, the severity of presenting symptoms, and the stage at which treatment has been commenced; Ayurvedic herbal treatment needs to be given from periods ranging from 4 months to nearly 18 months, in order to be able to fully treat all the clinical presentations of PAN (which can be quite varied).

 To sum up, PAN is a serious disorder which needs prompt and aggressive treatment, failing which it can prove to be fatal. While modern treatment can definitely prove to be rapidly effective in controlling symptoms, it is not a satisfactory long term treatment modality. That said, for acute or emergency medical care, there is no alternative to a fully equipped modern intensive care medical unit. 

Ayurvedic treatment is a slow starter and may not be recommended for an emergency situation; however, Ayurvedic herbal treatment can successfully manage and treat PAN on a long term basis, and significantly reduce morbidity and mortality resulting from this disease. Ayurvedic herbal treatment scores comprehensively on efficacy, safety, and affordability. Early commencement of treatment ensures a more complete cure and reduces the chances for long term complications or relapse. From the patients’ point of view, a judicious combination of modern and Ayurvedic treatment is the best choice to ensure a quick and complete recovery, while minimizing risk.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi, is available as an Ayurvedic consultant at and  To start Ayurvedic treatment for polyarteritis nodosa, kindly click here

Monday 23 November 2020

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment of Polyarteritis Nodosa (PAN)

 Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a rare autoimmune disorder which involves generalized inflammation of small arteries in the body affecting mostly the skin, joints, peripheral nerves, intestines and kidneys, though the lings are usually spared. Common symptoms include fever, night sweats, weight loss, skin ulcerations or tender nodules, and severe muscle and joint pains, developing over weeks or months. PAN may be related to Hepatitis B and C infections, as also to genetic mutations. This disease can have serious long-term complications, especially if associated with intestinal, renal, heart or brain damage.

 Conservative treatment is usually with steroids and immune suppressant drugs. The overall outlook can be considerably improved with these medicines; however, the long term prognosis still remains grim. Since multiple organs and body systems may get involved, this condition may require comprehensive management by a group of multispecialty physicians.

 Ayurvedic herbal treatment is very effective in comprehensively treating PAN including the inflammation and damage to arteries, as well as treating and preventing long term complications. Herbal medicines can treat inflamed arteries, reduce the formation of micro aneurysms, and prevent long term damage, blockage and infarct, which cause long term damage to the organs they supply. Herbal medicines can also induce healing in inflamed arteries without compromising on immunity. Associated symptoms, or known causes, such as hepatitis, and chronic infections, need to be treated separately with appropriate herbs. 

For a complete remission and to prevent long term relapses, the full spectrum of Ayurvedic treatment needs to be given, including detoxification, rejuvenation, and immune modulation. The various stages of these treatments need different medicines, while the herbs for the presenting symptoms and PAN pathology are continued concurrently. 

Depending upon the type of presentation, the severity of presenting symptoms, and the stage at which treatment has been commenced; Ayurvedic herbal treatment needs to be given from periods ranging from 4 months to nearly 18 months, in order to be able to fully treat all the clinical presentations of PAN. Judiciously used, Ayurvedic herbal treatment can successfully manage and treat PAN, and significantly reduce morbidity and mortality resulting from this disease. Early commencement of treatment ensures a more complete cure and reduces the chances for long term complications or relapse.


The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi, is available as an Ayurvedic consultant at and 
For Ayurvedic herbal treatment of PAN, kindly click on this link 

Monday 18 March 2019

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment of Polyarteritis Nodosa (PAN)

Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a rare autoimmune disorder which involves generalized inflammation of small arteries in the body affecting mostly the skin, joints, peripheral nerves, intestines and kidneys, though the lings are usually spared. Common symptoms include fever, night sweats, weight loss, skin ulcerations or tender nodules, and severe muscle and joint pains, developing over weeks or months. PAN may be related to Hepatitis B and C infections, as also to genetic mutations. This disease can have serious long-term complications, especially if associated with intestinal, renal, heart or brain damage.

Conservative treatment is usually with steroids and immune suppressant drugs. The overall outlook can be considerably improved with these medicines; however, the long term prognosis still remains grim. Since multiple organs and body systems may get involved, this condition may require comprehensive management by a group of multispecialty physicians.

Ayurvedic herbal treatment is very effective in comprehensively treating PAN including the inflammation and damage to arteries, as well as treating and preventing long term complications. Herbal medicines can treat inflamed arteries, reduce the formation of micro aneurysms, and prevent long term damage, blockage and infarct, which cause long term damage to the organs they supply. Herbal medicines can also induce healing in inflamed arteries without compromising on immunity. Associated symptoms, or known causes, such as hepatitis, and chronic infections, need to be treated separately with appropriate herbs.

For a complete remission and to prevent long term relapses, the full spectrum of Ayurvedic treatment needs to be given, including detoxification, rejuvenation, and immune modulation. The various stages of these treatments need different medicines, while the herbs for the presenting symptoms and PAN pathology are continued concurrently.

Depending upon the type of presentation, the severity of presenting symptoms, and the stage at which treatment has been commenced; Ayurvedic herbal treatment needs to be given from periods ranging from 8 months to nearly 18 months, in order to be able to fully treat all the clinical presentations of PAN. Judiciously used, Ayurvedic herbal treatment can successfully manage and treat PAN, and significantly reduce morbidity and mortality resulting from this disease. Early commencement of treatment ensures a more complete cure and reduces the chances for long term complications or relapse.

The writer, Dr A A Mundewadi, is available as an Ayurvedic consultant at  and  You can start treatment for this condition here

Saturday 11 June 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Pemphigus Vulgaris

Pemphigus vulgaris is a serious and life threatening skin disorder, characterised by vesicular eruptions on the skin and mucous membranes. A disturbed immunity is believed to be responsible for this condition. Pemphigus is treated in the modern system of medicine by pulse therapy of steroids and other immune-suppressant medicines.  The use of steroids and other modern medicines do not usually eradicate the disease completely, and the side-effects of these medicines constitute serious problems of their own. There is therefore no satisfactory treatment for pemphigus vulgaris in the modern system of medicine.
Ayurvedic herbal medicines are very effective in reducing the inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, and have a soothing effect so that the tendency to form blisters reduces gradually. Both oral as well as local treatment can be utilised to achieve these results. Treatment of the blood tissue has a generalised effect on the skin all over the body, and the rash, oozing, and crusting gradually start subsiding. This part of the treatment has a symptomatic effect on the disease. In addition, treatment is also given with specific herbs so as to strengthen the immune system of the body and regulate its functions, so that it starts fighting for, rather than against, the body.
Once the symptoms have subsided completely, treatment is continued so that the neurological and vascular components of the disease are treated completely. This ensures that the disease does not recur. It is important to note here that while most other skin diseases respond very fast to Ayurvedic treatment, pemphigus vulgaris responds comparatively more slowly. Treatment therefore needs to be taken for a long time with perseverance.  
The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at