
About Me

Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, B.A.M.S., is a practicing Ayurvedic physician since the last 30 years. He is a graduate of R. A. Podar Medical (Ayurvedic ) College, Worli, Mumbai, India. During this period of 30 years, he has obtained considerable experience in the clinical treatment of a vast array of patients.
Ayurveda , basically means, a “ Science of Life”, and involves maintaining the health of healthy persons, and treating sick patients. Dr. Mundewadi has studied and experienced extensively all the principles of Ayurveda , involving a healthy life-style, diet regimes, body-cleansing through panch-karma procedures, and treatment with herbal and herbo-mineral compounds.
In addition to his background in Ayurveda, Dr. Mundewadi has also studied the therapeutic effects of Reiki( he is a 3rd degree Reiki Master), Acupuncture ( he has done a basic and an advanced course in Acupuncture), Hypnotherapy and Magnetotherapy. His current style of clinical practice is a culmination of his experience with all these different treatment modalities.
Dr. Mundewadi has been doing clinical research work since the last 17 years. He has published his findings of herbal treatment of HIV / AIDS in 55 patients in the Bombay Hospital Journal, Mumbai, India, July 2005 issue. He has also successfully completed a clinical trial of herbal extract medicines in Schizophrenia compared to modern anti-psychotics, in 200 patients, the results of which have been published in the Bombay Hospital Journal, Mumbai, India, July 2008 issue. He has also conducted preliminary studies of Ayurvedic herbal extracts in the treatment of Bipolar Disorder, Vascular Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism, Mental Retardation, and Tobacco and Alcohol Dependence. He also has a special interest in the herbal treatment of Age Related Macular Degeneration and different types of Cancer.
Dr. Mundewadi is available as an Ayurvedic Consultant at
He is currently Chief Ayurvedic Physician at Mundewadi Ayurvedic Clinic based at Thane, Maharashtra, INDIA. The clinic offers Ayurvedic herbal treatment for all chronic and refractory health problems. Contact information is as follows:;; +91-9967928418; +91-22-25464209