
Thursday 24 November 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Lichen Simplex

Lichen simplex is also known as neurodermatitis or scratch dermatitis.  This is a refractory skin disease which causes severe itching for prolonged periods, gradually resulting in a raised, rough and dark patch on the skin, which acquires a thick and leathery appearance.  This condition is usually seen more in females, especially in the ages of 30 and 50, and is associated more with skin problems like eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis.  Stress and anxiety are known to aggravate the itching seen in lichen simplex.
Ayurvedic herbal treatment for lichen simplex is aimed at reducing the itching, and treating the skin so as to reduce the thickness and dark appearance of the skin. Treatment for lichen simplex is in the form of oral medication as well as local treatment.  Local applications of medicated ointments are used so as to reduce the itching, provide a soothing effect on the skin, and reduce the thick and dark appearance of the skin.  In addition, oral medication is done in the form of Ayurvedic herbal medicines which reduce stress and anxiety and treat the skin condition.  The herbal medicines which are useful the treatment of lichen simplex have a specific action on the skin and subcutaneous tissue as well as on the microcirculation of the skin.
A combination of local treatment as well as oral medication is usually effective in completely eradicating this condition within 2 to 4 months.  Herbal medicines may also be required to treat hyper-reactivity of the central nervous system as well as high levels of stress and anxiety.  In addition, if the affected individual also suffers from some other disease of the skin, this other condition also leads to be treated simultaneously, in order to provide a complete cure for lichen simplex.
Ayurvedic herbal treatment thus has a significant role to play the management and treatment of lichen simplex.
The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and