
Friday 8 July 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Huntington's disease (Huntington's Chorea)

Huntington's disease, also known as Huntington's chorea, is a rare disorder of the nervous system which has a hereditary component, and involves degeneration of the nervous system.  Symptoms of this condition include tremors, muscular in coordination, falls, blurred vision, and dementia.  This medical condition is progressive in nature, and symptoms gradually increase over one or two decades, leading to significant morbidity and mortality.  Since this condition is related to a degeneration of the nervous system, there is no treatment or cure for this condition in the modern system of medicine.

Ayurvedic treatment is especially useful in the treatment of Huntington's chorea, since Ayurvedic medicines are very useful in the treatment of nervous system disorders.  Ayurvedic medicines help to regenerate nerve cells, brain cells, and repair the damage to the nervous system.  Usually, degeneration of nerves involves damage to the outer covering of the nerves; this results in impaired functioning of the nerves, with a loss of nerve conduction and control of the limbs.  This results in severe impairment of the motor as well as sensory components of the nervous system.

Ayurvedic treatment consists of oral medication as well as massage of the entire body with medicated oils, followed by fomentation.  Since this disease is progressive, Ayurvedic treatment is required for several months, usually for four to six months, in order to bring about considerable improvement in this condition.  A lot of patience and perseverance is required in the treatment of this condition.  However, the results obtained with Ayurvedic treatment can be significant, and can completely alter the patient’s life for the better.

Ayurvedic treatment can therefore improve or bring about a near cure in patients with Huntington's disease.  It is important to commence treatment at the earliest possible, in order to bring about maximum improvement.  Regular treatment is essential in order to obtain the required results.  To sum up, Ayurvedic treatment is very effective in the management of Huntington's disease or Huntington's chorea.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and  For Ayurvedic herbal treatment of Huntington's disease, kindly click on this link