
Tuesday 7 June 2011

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment for Hearing Loss

Hearing loss which requires treatment can be of three types: Sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss, and a mixed type which involves hearing loss with both the previously mentioned types. It is best to conduct a thorough medical examination as well as an audiometry test to correctly diagnose the cause and type of hearing loss.

Ayurvedic medicines are effective in all types of hearing loss. The aim of treatment in sensorineural hearing loss is to help regenerate the auditory nerve, the parts of the inner ear connected to the auditory nerve, as well as to strengthen the hearing centre in the brain. Depending upon the severity of nerve damage, treatment from 3-6 months is usually required to help restore hearing to normal or near-normal levels. Other concurrent medical conditions like diabetes and hypertension may also have an impact upon the duration of treatment and the improvement observed with Ayurvedic medicines. In addition, elderly people with other nervous system involvement , for example, diseases like Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, may also need to be treated concurrently for these diseases, before they can get benefit for hearing loss.

Conductive hearing loss is usually related to damage in the middle ear, due to various reasons like recurrent infections, trauma, or congenital defects. The aim of treatment in this type of hearing loss is to repair the damage in the middle ear - usually related to the small bones which connect the ear drum to the auditory nerve. Ossification of these bones is the usual end-result, whic causes hearing loss.Treatment is aimed at healing these damaged bones to the extent possible, and removing or treating any known cause for the condition. Ayurvedic medicines are unique in the sense that they have the capacity to reduce the ossification and gluing together of the bones in the middle ear, and allow the natural hearing process to resume.

Mixed type of hearing loss has to be treated depending upon the severity of each component present in the affected individual. In addition, most affected people also have tinnitus or buzzing sound in the ear. Most of the times, it is related to nerve damage or a disturbance in the semi-circular canals of the ear. This too needs to be treated, since it may severely incapacitate the affected individual. Treatment is usually aimed at reducing the pressure in these canals, and reducing the stickiness of fluid present inside.

The writer, Dr. A. A. Mundewadi, is available as an online Ayurvedic Consultant at and